This is the codebase for the Winter 2024 ECE 143 Final Project for Group 10
Spotify Million Playlist Dataset Challenge
├── data/
├── src/
│ ├── EDA.ipynb [Main Visualizations]
│ ├── [Basic descriptive statistics]
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── [Spotify API]
├── requirements.txt
Create and activate virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Install packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 [directory of dataset] [directory of generated df]
Note: it takes around 10 min to run and the peak memory usage is ~6GB
- Run
jupyter notebook
- Open
- Run all cells
- Create a Spotify developer account
- Create a new app, copy the Client ID and Client Secret
- In ".env", store these credentials
Prior to building a recommendation model, we analyzed parts of the dataset to get a better understanding of the underlying distributions.
We considered two major forms of analysis in investigation of the dataset:
- Basic Descriptive Statistics (Tracks, Playlists, Artists, Albums, etc.)
- Clustering Analysis with Audio Features
The basic descriptive statistics include results such as the most popular tracks, artists, albums, etc. as well as some more detailed statistics such as the distribution of playlist lengths. Effectively, this analysis provides a high-level overview of the dataset and serves as a starting point to guide us in asking more interesting and pointed questions about the nature of certain features in the dataset.
On the other hand, the clustering analysis attempts to group playlists and tracks based on their audio characteristics as provided by the Spotify API in the anticipation that listeners prefer tracks with similar audio features.
Note: the pre-processing step must be completed before running the analysis
- Run
python3 [directory of pre processed data] -N 10
These will produce bar plots and histograms to answer the following questions:
- What are the most popular tracks across all playlists?
- What are the most popular artists across all playlists?
- What are the most popular albums across all playlists?
- What artists are the most prolific in terms of number of tracks?
- What artists are the most prolific in terms of number of albums?
- What albums contain the most tracks?
- How do the audio characteristics of popular tracks differ from just average (random) tracks?
In our recommendation model, we implemented the K-means clustering algorithm to group tracks based on attributes such as danceability, energy, loudness, speechiness, acousticness, instrumentalness, liveness, valence, and tempo. Songs residing in the same cluster as the current track were suggested for sequential playback.
For recommendations from a given playlist, we utilized cosine similarity to compare the current song against the rest in the playlist. This approach helped in identifying and recommending the next song to play from the playlist
Note: the pre-processing step must be completed before running the analysis
- Run
python3 [current_song] --dir [directory of pre processed data] -N 10
This will recommend N songs from the same K-means cluster as the current song.
- Run
python3 [current_song] --dir [directory of pre processed data] -N 10 --playlist_id <value>
This will recommend N songs from the given playlist based on cosine similarity.