Usage: run-bleu-score.sh [-d] [-h] output ref.txt ref.xml src.xml tgt_lang
-d Detokenize the test file after removing bpe splits
-h Display this help
Note: tgt_lang should be written out, eg czech or english
to de-xml data directory (runs on all files in a dir, currently):
python3 data_xml_to_txt.py -d dir
to tokenize/detokenize English:
perl external_scripts/tokenizer.perl (-l [en|cs|...]) (-threads 4) < textfile > tokenizedfile
perl external_scripts/detokenizer.perl (-l [en|cs|...]) < tokenizedfile > detokenizedfile
to tokenize Czech (runs on all files in a dir, currently):
python3 morphology/run_czech_transform.py -d dir -y morphodita_dict -t morphodita_parser_file
to generate bpe:
./subword-nmt/learn_bpe.py -s {num_operations} < {train_file} > {codes_file}
./subword-nmt/apply_bpe.py -c {codes_file} < {test_file}
to de-bpe:
sed -r 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g'
to score with BLEU:
perl external_scripts/multi-bleu.perl -lc ref < hyp