Non-functioning work in progress
Fith is a Forth-like language implemented in Icon that extends Forth syntax to encompass multiple results. Most words are named in a manner familiar to Icon programmers, although a facility might be added to create a more Forth-centric dialect (perhaps even encompassing other dialects, e.g., a Python-like dialect).
When an Icon program starts, the &main co-expression is activated and procedure main is called. When a Fith invocation begins, &main creates a co-expression and assigns it to a variable produced by the fith procedure, in a manner similar to this, implementing the publisher-subscriber pattern such that a variable is read-only outside of the C (co-expression) that originally sets it:
procedure fith()
return wora(fith, &main)
# WORA - Writeable-by-One, Readable-by-All
procedure wora(id)
local owner
static s_ownerT, s_valueT
initial {
s_ownerT := table()
s_valueT := table()
if /id then fail
owner := \s_ownerT[id]
if /owner then {
# WORA is settable
s_ownerT[id] := ¤t
suspend s_valueT[id]
} else if owner === ¤t then {
# WORA is resettable by owner
suspend s_valueT[id]
} else {
# produce an unassignable copy of WORA
suspend .(s_valueT[id])
procedure main(args)
wora(fith) := create "fith(): fith is " || image(fith())
write("&main: wora(fith) = ", image(wora(fith)))