A place to gather metadata (audience, prerequisites, workshop descriptions) for carpentries workshops taught at the Netherlands eScience Center. The metadata are used for creating a workshop page with esciencecenter-digital-skills/workshop-template. See documentation.
The folder "next-lesson" is a template. Copy the folder and rename it to the curriculum name e.g. "ds-parallel". Then eidt the files:
- advertisement.md: text that will be used to advertise the workshop (eg. email)
- description.md: description on the lesson page, workshop page and eventbrite page
- who.md: required prior knowledge of the participants
- synopsis.md: max 140 characters summary of the lesson
- syllabus.md: bullet point list of skills taught in this lesson, between 6 and 10 points
- setup.md: the requirements to follow along with the workshop.
- list-of-schedules.md: There are two lists of schedules: online and in-person. Choose one schedule from the lists or add your own schedule to the lists. Then, copy-paste the desired schedule to the file
. - schedule.md: the times and what you will be teaching at each day in a time-table format.
- title.md: the title of the workshop.
- lesson-url.md: the link of the lesson website, not the Github repo
- resources.md: a list of useful resources for workshop participants
- tweets.md: a collection of tweets to promote the workshop