Web application (Flask based) using Swagger for documentation purposes.
Three kafka producers (two PCs and one Raspberry Pi) that will send sensor's data every 5 seconds to three different Kafka
topics. A consumer will subscribe to this three topics, monitoring the messages by predicting in real-time the device status
and alerting the final user if one of his devices is soon to be stressed (so the user can act accordingly) based on the
prediction of the machine learning models.
The sensor's measurements data and the predictions will be stored in AWS DynamoDB
, accessible by the user whenever he
requests through a bot implemented using Telegram
. This bot serves both use cases, alerting
and monitoring
The machine learning models that predicts the status of each device are deployed in AWS S3 bucket.
Architecture of the system:
Deployment architecture of the Flask REST API:
├── .github : CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions
| └── workflows : Contains yml files that trigger the workflows in GitHub Actions.
| ├── docker_flask.yml
| ├── docker_telegram.yml
| ├── terraform.yml
| └── unittests.yml
├── api : Python Flask REST API with Swagger
| ├── helpers
| ├── tests
| ├── .dockerignore
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── app.py
| ├── Dockerfile
| ├── README.md
| └── requirements.txt
├── generators : Sensor's data generators in real-time
| ├── kafkaproducer
| ├── raspberrypi
| ├── sensors
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── pc.py
| ├── raspberry.py
| └── README.md
├── iac : Infrastructure as Code
| ├── .terraform
| ├── .gitignore
| ├── config.tf
| ├── data.tf
| ├── main.tf
| ├── outputs.tf
| ├── terraform.tfstate
| ├── terraform.tfstate.backup
| ├── variables.tf
| └── README.md : Further explanations on IaC part
├── kafkaconsumer : Kafka Consumer
| ├── schemas
| ├── .dockerignore
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── config.py
| ├── consumer.py
| ├── Dockerfile
| ├── dynamodb.py
| ├── main.py
| ├── pc.py
| ├── predictor.py
| ├── raspberry.py
| ├── README.md
| └── requirements.txt
├── model : ML Modeling
| ├── exported_models
| ├── training_data
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── config.py
| ├── data_retriever.py
| ├── model.py
| └── README.md
├── telegrambot : Telegram Bot for alerting and monitoring
| ├── .dockerignore
| ├── __init__.py
| ├── config.py
| ├── Dockerfile
| ├── dynamodb_config.py
| ├── main_telegram.py
| ├── requirements.txt
| ├── utils.py
| └── README.md
├── image : Folder containing all the images used in the README.md files.
├── .env : File to store environment variables (not published)
├── .gitignore
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt : File containing the library requirements to run the project locally
└── setup.py : Setup python file of the project
Refer to each section README.md
file for further details.
All folders contain its own README.md
file with further explanations except .github
folder which is the one
containing the CI/CD pipeline workflows triggered by GitHub Actions on every push to any branch or pull request (PR) to
the main branch. There are three different workflows configured, using GitHub secrets for security reasons when pushing
the code, that will be triggered one after the other:
First workflow triggered. It executes the tests defined for the main application in api > tests
If the first workflow (unittests.yml
) is successful, this workflow is triggered. It builds and pushes the docker
image of the main application to the Docker Hub Registry.
This workflow is triggered at the same time unittests.yml
workflow since they're independent. It builds and pushes the docker
image of the telegram bot application to the Docker Hub Registry.
If the docker_flask workflow (docker_flask.yml
) is successful, this workflow is triggered. It deploys on AWS the
main application using terraform. It saves the state of the application everytime terraform is applied and redeployed,
so it only redeploys the changes, if any. This makes the deployment faster.
Sensor Type | Measure |
Temperature | ºC (Celsius) |
Power | W (Watt) |
Load | % (percentage) |
Voltage | V (Volt) |
Fan | CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) |
Clock | GHz (GigaHertz) |
Variable | Description |
Confluent Cloud Cluster Key |
Confluent Cloud Cluster Secret |
Confluent Cloud Cluster Endpoint |
Confluent Cloud Schema Registry Endpoint |
Confluent Cloud Schema Registry Key |
Confluent Cloud Schema Registry API Secret |
Topic name to produce records to Kafka |
AWS Access Key to deploy the Flask REST API to |
AWS Secret Access Key to deploy the Flask REST API to |
Docker Hub registry username (to build and publish docker image of the app) |
Docker Hub registry Token (to build and publish docker image of the app) |
Terraform Cloud Token to automate the deployment in AWS |
Device from where you are running the application [RASPBERRY , PC ] |