Eshan Roy
.?77777777777777$. ----------------
777..777777777777$+ 🐍 Language: Python
.77 7777777777$$$ ⏱️ Runtime: 5y
.777 .7777777777$$$$ 🔧 Version: 3.10.0
.7777777777777$$$$$$ ----------------
..........:77$$$$$$$ 👤 User: eshanized
.77777777777777777$$$$$$$$$.=======. 📍 Location: INDIA
777777777777777777$$$$$$$$$$.======== 🏢 Company: @Snigdha-OS
7777777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$.========= 📅 GitHub: 10/21/2023
77777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.========= 📊 Contributions: N/A
777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :========+. 📚 Repositories: 16
77777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+..=========++~ 👥 Followers: 15
777777777$$..~=====================+++++ 👣 Following: 12
77777777$~.~~~~=~=================+++++. 📝 Bio: "Go go" Said the bird. 'Humankind cannot tolerate too much reality.'
777777$$$.~~~===================+++++++. 🌐 Website:
77777$$$$.~~==================++++++++: 🐦 Twitter: @eshanized
.==========+++. .++
🏢 I'm currently working at **@Snigdha-OS **
📍 Based in INDIA
🌐 Visit my portfolio at
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