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Run Terraform tasks as part of your Capistrano v3 deployments; or just plain use Capistrano v3 to run your Terraform, even if you don't deploy your code with Capistrano.

cap production terraform:deploy # run all registered terraform deployment tasks

This plugin also hooks into the default cap <environment> deploy flow as a build action. See Usage for more details.

Hence this also works:

cap production deploy # run all app deployment tasks, and terraform is going to run in there somewhere based on your configs


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.11' # capistrano at least version 3.11
gem 'capistrano-terraform', '~> 1.0' # the meaty bits of this plugin - 1.X to ensure you always have the best available

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-terraform


Configure your project

Require in Capfile:

require 'capistrano/terraform'

Optionally define a Terraform host in deploy.rb or the appropriate deploy/stage.rb:

role :terraform,  %w{localhost} # role syntax, this one making localhost the terraform agent
# --  or... --
server '', roles: %w{terraform} # server syntax, declaring a remote server

If no :terraform host/role is defined, all Terraform actions will be ran directly from the host currently running cap according to the contents of the current working project directory (some use-cases make this desirable, for example some automated CI/CD pipelines work better this way). A maximum of one :terraform host can be defined.

Note: Setting the :terraform host/role to localhost is not the same as leaving it undefined (or set to nil). If the :terraform role is defined, the full code checkout process is expected to take place prior to terraform actions.

Note: There is currently no embedded mechanism to ensure the declared terraform host/role (or the localhost if none defined) has the necessary permissions to perform the desired terraform actions against the IAAS service provider. It's entirely up to you to preemptively set up any necessary AWS keys, SSH keys, environment variables, etc, to enable the worker to perform the desired terraform actions. For AWS, I've found it easiest to simply set up the aws-cli environment variables/tokens on the host prior to running cap. Discussions/proposals around this are welcome as github issues.

Optionally define the Terraform root directory:

set :terraform_root, "infra"

This is the sub-directory from which all capistrano/terraform related files/references will be evaluated from. If left undefined, it will be assumed to be the project root directory (ie: where Capfile is defined)

Declare global Terraform variables, variable files, etc

append :terraform_var_file, 'common.tfvars'

Declare your Terraform project directories and their specific configurations:

The minimum terraform step definition includes a name. The path (relative to :terraform_root) is actually optional. For example:

terraform :my_terraform_action, path: 'directory/path'

If no :path option is provided, the :terraform_root is the assumed directory.

No checking is performed to ensure that declared terraform project directories are unique by path, only the first parameter for the terraform DSL method (ie, the name) is used to determine uniqueness.

All future references to the same terraform action (by name) are additive. This allows you to declare basic Terraform options within the deploy.rb config file, and then add/replace options specific to a particular deployment stage within that stage specific deploy/stagename.rb config file.

This plugin automatically hooks the normal Capistrano deploy flow around the publish stage. The default timing is to run terraforms before deploy:publishing. However, through a configuration option, terraforms can be selectively performed after deploy:published instead.

To select the after publish timing, simply add the after_publish: true option setting to individual terraform declaration:

terraform :my_terraform_action, path: 'directory/path', after_publish: true

To opt-out of the deploy flow for all of capistrano/terraform, add this line to your config/deploy.rb or to a specific config/deploy/<stage>.rb file:

set :terraform_deploy, false

To opt-out of the deploy flow for an individual terraform declaration, simply add deploy: false to the declaration options:

terraform :my_terraform, path: 'directory/path', deploy: false

Individually excluding a terraform from deploys via deploy: false also removes it from the cap <stage> terraform:deploy flow.

Any terraform actions/project-directories that are excluded from the deploy flow are still available to run individually via cap terraform:my_terraform:deploy (or their related tasks).

Run a deploy:

For a normal full deploy:

cap <stage> deploy # the default hooks will run terraform actions at the appropriate times

For independent terraform runs:

cap <stage> terraform:deploy # runs both the before and after publish tasks, hooks in that order, without attempting to publishing code -- if you're running this within a CI pipeline (like Circle or CodeShip) this is probably what you want for simple terraform-first style projects

Getting a little more granular...

You should also notice there are a number of granular cap tasks automatically defined around your terraform projects/directories, allowing you to run only what you want, when you want.

Beware: All granular cap <stage> terraform:X tasks will still honor the :terraform server role, if one is defined. Something to be aware of...

For example, to selectively run before and after publish deploy stages (without involving the code/app deploy bits):

  • cap <stage> terraform:deploy_before
  • cap <stage> terraform:deploy_after

Additionally, every terraform declaration within the cap deploy configs generates a number of individually addressable cap tasks that can be ran independently:

  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:init # just terraform init
  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:plan # just terraform plan
  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:apply # just terraform apply
  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:deploy # terraform init -> plan -> apply
  • ???
  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:destroy # just terraform apply
  • cap <stage> terraform:<name>:clean # delete any left over plan files and cleans up the .terraform temporary directory

To view all the cap tasks (and their descriptions) that are readily runnable for your project, based on the current config files, run cap -T to generate the full list.

Configurable options:


terraform DSL method



One day I literally put "capistrano terraform" into Google and surprisingly didn't find any projects that already directly addressed running Terraform from Capistrano. So here we are.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Run Terraform tasks from Capistrano







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