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gustavomcarmo edited this page Nov 28, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the google-geocode wiki!

Code examples:

GoogleGeocode googleGeocode = new GoogleGeocode(address); // the address must not be encoded
String jsonString = googleGeocode.getJsonString(); // throws IOException

Alternatively, an object representing the Google Geocoding API json response can be get:

GoogleGeocode googleGeocode = new GoogleGeocode(latitude, longitude); // reverse geocoding
GeocodeResponse geocodeResponse = googleGeocode.getResponseObject(); // throws IOException

This object is usefull to get the response content:

if (googleResponse.isStatusOK()) {
   String country = getCountryShortName(); // returns the country short name of the first result
   // more code

Any result in the list of results can be accessed through two ways:

// returns the formatted address of the third result
// or null if the index is out of bounds
String formattedAddress = geocodeResponse.getFormattedAddress();


// returns the geometry object of the position in the results list defined by the index parameter
// or null if it is out of bounds
Geometry geometry = geocodeResponse.getGeometry(index);

The Google Geocoding API language parameter can also be defined:

GoogleGeocode googleGeocode = new GoogleGeocode(address);


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