This project is a distributed system built to simulate, collect, process, store, and serve sensor data. Designed as an Elixir umbrella project, it comprises multiple applications, each handling a specific part of the data pipeline:
- Data Generator: Simulates sensor readings and publishes them.
- Data Compactor: Subscribes to sensor data, compacts it, and publishes compacted data.
- Data Server: Consumes compacted data, stores it, and exposes via a JSON API.
- Schema: Contains the Protobuf schema definitions for the data model, as well as encoding/decoding helpers.
It’s primarily a learning project, aimed at exploring and gaining hands-on experience with Elixir's capabilities.
- Producer
- Consumer
- Publisher
- Subscriber
- Find
- Insert
- Aggregate
Data formats
- Decoding
- Encoding
- Decoding
- Encoding
- Authentication
- Authentication
Continuous Integration:
- Linting
- Testing
- Test coverage with ExCoveralls
- Custom Mix task for Protobuf schema compilation
- DynamicSupervisor for GenServers
- Broadway for data ingestion abstraction
- Custom Storage and Producer behaviours as an abstraction layer
- Interoperability with Erlang
- Docker
- Contextive for Ubiquitous Language
- Structured logging (JSON)
Requires Elixir 1.17+ and Docker Compose for running Kafka, MongoDB, and Mosquitto (MQTT broker).
# Start Kafka, MongoDB, MQTT.
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
# Export secrets for Kafka and Mongo.
export $(cat .env.local | xargs) && iex -S mix
# Install and compile dependencies.
mix deps.get && mix deps.compile
# Start the apps.
iex -S mix
Now you can navigate to http://localhost:8080/api/sensors/facility_1
to verify it's up and running.
If you don't have Elixir installed, the demo can be run in a Docker container.
# Build the image: the release (build artefact) will include all the three applications.
docker build --no-cache --tag data-processing-pipeline -f docker/Dockerfile . --progress=plain
# Start the app along with Kafka, MongoDB, MQTT.
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose.override.yml up
Kafka container takes some time to stabilize, so encountering errconnrefused
errors shortly after startup is normal.