This Dockerfile will create a new Docker container with Google AppEngine SDK for python
Follow these instructions to get Docker running on your server.
Build It Yourself
git clone
cd docker-gae-python
docker build -t gae-python .
sudo docker run -d -p 2022:22 -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/gae-python/home:/home/gae:rw gae-python
cat ~/.ssh/ >> home/.ssh/authorized_keys
./home in host is mapped to home directory of Docker Container. So you can copy or link your sources here.
ssh gae@localhost -p 2022
/usr/local/google_appengine/ /usr/local/google_appengine/demos/python/guestbook/ --port 8080 --host
you can access to http://localhost:8080/ from host
This Dockerfile will create following user with password. If you want to change them, edit Dockerfile and rebuild.
username: gae password: python
username: root password: root-defaultpassword