Honest Annotations is a library for creating declarative annotations in Spring, which simplifies annotation handling and provides more explicit control over how annotations are processed.
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
implementation 'com.est0y:honest-annotations-spring:0.0.1'
If you are using Spring without Spring Boot, you need to add the @EnableHonestAnnotations
annotation. With Spring Boot, this annotation is not required.
Create your custom annotation and specify the handler using
:import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @AfterInitialization(UserAnnotationHandler.class) public @interface UserAnnotation { }
Annotate your class with the custom annotation:
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @UserAnnotation @Component public class UserClass { public void method() { System.out.println("origin method"); } }
Create a handler class for your annotation by implementing the
interface:import org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.lang.NonNull; @Component public class UserAnnotationHandler implements AnnotationHandler { @Override public Object handle(Object bean, String beanName) { ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(); proxyFactory.setTarget(bean); proxyFactory.addAdvice(new org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor() { @Override public Object invoke(@NonNull MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { System.out.printf("%s -> %s%n", invocation.getThis(), invocation.getMethod().getName()); return invocation.getMethod().invoke(invocation.getThis(), invocation.getArguments()); } }); return proxyFactory.getProxy(); } }
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.