lpac is a cross-platform local profile agent program, compatible with SGP.22 version 2.2.2.
- Support Activation Code and Confirmation Code
- Support Custom IMEI sent to server
- Support Profile Discovery (SM-DS)
- Profile management: list, enable, disable, delete and nickname
- Notification management: list, send and delete
- Lookup eUICC chip info
- etc
You can download lpac from GitHub Release, and read USAGE to use it. If you can't run it you need to compile by yourself, see also DEVELOPERS. If you want to known which Linux distributions include lpac, see also LINUX-DIST. If you have any issue, please read FAQ first.
- EasyLPAC (Windows, Linux and macOS)
- {Open,Easy}EUICC (Mirror, Android)
- eSIM Manager (lpa-gtk) (Linux Mobile)
- rlpa-server for eSTK.me Cloud Enhance function
- lpac (/src, /driver): AGPL-3.0
- libeuicc (/euicc): LGPL-v2
- cjson (/cjson): MIT
- dlfcn-win32 (/dlfcn-win32): MIT
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