Staking Experience Checklist - Check as many of these boxes as you can before staking on mainnet. These are skills that you ought to have a good understanding of before putting your funds at risk.
Successfully run Medalla +1 month
Simulate server power loss and automatic resumption (client 1)
Simulate complete power loss (server and internet) and automatic resumption (client 1)
Perform exit (client 1)
Simulate client loss - migrate to new client successfully
Simulate server power loss and automatic resumption (client 2)
Simulate complete power loss (server and internet) and automatic resumption (client 2)
Simulate loss of .json - passphrase recovery and resume running (client 1)
Simulate loss of .json - passphrase recovery and resume running (client 2)
Perform exit (client 2)
Credit to for the genesis of this idea.