Login with Amazon SP OAuth 2 strategy for Omniauth.
Add the following line to you Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-amazon-sp'
Then run
bundle install
You must have an Amazon Selling Partner Account. As well as a Selling Partner Application.
You must have the following Rails credentials set:
app_id: [YOUR_APP_ID]
client_id: [YOUR_CLIENT_ID]
client_secret: [YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET]
version: beta (only if your app is in draft state)
Then you can set up the strategy via the following: (devise)
config.omniauth :amazon-sp,
Rails.application.credentials.dig(:amazon_sp_api, :client_id),
Rails.application.credentials.dig(:amazon_sp_api, :client_secret),
name: :amazon
scope: %w(profile:user_id)