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Mendz edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the game-console-2048 wiki!

The game-console-2048 repo is created as a #LearnToCode project. It is not meant to be a distributable product, thus the absence of build or package releases.

To work with the game-console-2048 repo, use any of the following:

The game-console-2048 repo contains the GameConsole2048 solution. When built using .NET, the resulting program can be run on a console or terminal window. Following the native AOT publishing steps, actual games have been played on Windows 11, WSL+Debian and Raspberry Pi 400.

Various GitHub features such as Actions and Security are explored in the game-console-2048 repo. These are mostly for the author's education and learning. If they can be shared, they will be available and visible publicly.

People are encouraged to use this project for educational and learning purposes.

Comments, ideas, and suggestions are welcome.

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