A demo repository to play with Kubernetes and indent some more yaml
- Some considerations about Architecture 💥
- How i emulated a 3 tier network in my homelab
- Architecture overview
- Keep your code base clean 💥
- Build and deploy image locally 💥
- Create a pipeline to build image 💥
- Add security scan to image in pipeline 💥
- Optimize image size and security 💥
- Push image on a container registry 💥
- Consideration about tagging strategy
- Write Kubernetes manifest to deploy Deployment ⭐
- Add networking layer to our manifest ⭐
- Expose applications using Nginx Ingress Controller ⭐
- Expose RaspberryPi in DMZ 💥
- Add HPA 💥
- Replace our manifest with Helm chart ⭐
- Add TLS/SSL Certificate to our application 💥
- Add Network policies
- Add a complete FE-BE application
- Add an app to play with storage
- Consideration about storage back up
- GitOps flow using ArgoCD 💥
- Create deploy-script ⭐
- Prometheus/Grafana/ELK? TBD 💥
- Load test with Locust to show autoscaling of pods 💥
- Grant external access to private subnet with VPN
In a real scenario I would have created an architecture in the following way:
Infrastructure Provisioning (I assume I am working on a cloud provider) I would have used Terraform as an infrastructure as code tool and would have deployed the following resources:
- 3 Tier Network (Public, Private and DB subnet)
- Kubernetes Cluster
- Image Repository for every container image
- Possible pipelines according to the cloud provider
- Management users
- Application Load Balancer to expose Kubernetes application (via Nginx Ingress Controller)
- Possible DBs if the choice fell on DBs managed by the cloud provider
Here you can see an example of how I manage terraform repositories -> Pesonal Website Iac And here -> an article on how I manage pipelines for IaC and an example of how I manage Terraform state
In my homelab I tend to apply the same best practices as when I work in the Cloud. But how can I achieve certain goals with such limited hardware as that of my homelab?
Public subnet : The public subnet is the one that can be reached from outside in the cloud. Inside it contains any load balancers, NAT Gateway/Instance, VPN servers and everything that typically needs to be publicly accessible. How can I make a device in my home subnet directly accessible to the internet? I put that device (present in my private subnet) in Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). This approach has limitations, the most disabling is that I can only DMZ one device. This device will be a Single Point of Failure (SPOF) for our inbound traffic and external access.
Private Subnet: that is used to place resources that should not be directly accessible from the Internet. This can include resources such as databases, application servers, and other internal systems. Using a private subnet can improve security by limiting access to these resources and reducing the attack surface of the network. Additionally, it can also help with compliance requirements, such as HIPAA, that mandate certain resources be kept on a private network.ll use my home subnet, which is also where the device placed in the DMZ resides. In our case we will use our home subnet as a private subnet, which is not directly accessible from the Internet. We are actually lying, this subnet goes straight out to the internet exactly like the only device on our public subnet and it shouldn't be like that, the private subnet should go utt to the internet just like the only device on our public subnet and it shouldn't be like that, the private subnet should go out through a NAT that is present in the public subnet. But hey, anything in computing is a trade off
DB Subnet: At the moment I don't have a dedicated db subnet, but I'm planning to buy a small switch that supports VLANs for an upgrade of my lab
Another problem with this setup is that the IP address this setup can be accessed with is one and it changes as I don't have a commercial contract. I solved this problem using a Dynamic DNS
In the end we will get this architecture
In this phase I'm going to create a CI/CD pipeline that will build our Docker containers and push the related images to a Registry container. There will also be image vulnerability checks in between
If we want our code base to be clean and maintainable, we need to prevent badly formatted code from reaching it. We add a pre-commit hook to check yaml farmatting and other common errors.
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v2.3.0
- id: check-yaml
exclude: helm/templates/
- repo: https://github.com/gruntwork-io/pre-commit
rev: v0.0.9
- id: helmlint
- repo: https://github.com/dnephin/pre-commit-golang
rev: master
- id: go-fmt
- id: go-vet
- id: go-lint
- id: go-imports
- id: go-cyclo
args: [-over=15]
- id: validate-toml
- id: no-go-testing
- id: golangci-lint
- id: go-critic
- id: go-unit-tests
- id: go-build
Let's start by building our images locally to figure out what we're dealing with
docker build -t hecha00/app1:1.0 .
Just a base Nginx container with a custom /location
at path ping
We can run it and curl on localhost
docker run --env-file production.env -p 80:80 hecha00/app1:1.0
Same thing for the second container.
The image is unnecessarily large and the Nginx version too old, it will surely be subject to CVE, we can see this with a sample docker scan [image_name]
We'll use GitHub Actions to get straight to the point.
For each push that modifies the files in samples/app1 or samples/app2 we will create a new image
I won't go into the details of how I connected the GitHub Actions to my Docker Hub account, for more info you can read my article. Did I mention I wrote an article? :)
In this case I'm treating the project as a monorepo, so I don't want all the pipelines to start with every push on the main branch. We discriminate pipeline launch only to changes in the folders involved in the container build We can do it in the following way:
name: build app1
- main
- samples/app1/**
For this purpose we will use a plugin present in the GitHub Marketplace
- name: Build an image from Dockerfile
run: |
docker build -t docker.io/hecha00/app1:${{ github.sha }} samples/app1
- name: Scan Docker Image
uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@0.8.0
image-ref: 'docker.io/hecha00/app1:${{ github.sha }}'
format: 'table'
exit-code: '1'
ignore-unfixed: true
vuln-type: 'os,library'
severity: 'CRITICAL,HIGH'
We have configured our pipeline in such a way that there is an exit code of 1 in case the vulnerabilities found are HIGH or CRITICAL.
Let's go for a run!
As we suspected, our pipeline failed because the images from which the Dockerfiles start are old and vulnerable
Image scanning in our pipeline found 37 vulnerabilitiesof (HIGH: 25, CRITICAL: 12) In reality there are many other vulnerabilities but less impactful from a security point of view.
These images aren't just devilish, they're way too big! 134MB for a container with plain nginx?
Let's try using a newer and lighter nginx image, 1-alpine-slim. (It Weighs only 4.77MB!)
But why should we do it? In the end, one image is as good as another, as long as it works! No? The size of the Docker images, in certain scenarios, avalanches on all components and in the long run the price you pay is high. Here are some consequences of having unnecessarily heavy container images
- They take longer to build, this translates into pipelines that take longer to finish and therefore a worse developer experience
- Image repositories have costs related to the space we occupy. Larger images -> Higher storage costs
- They take longer to launch, in a highly scalable ecosystem where pods are destroyed and created all the time, this makes the Kubernetes cluster less responsive
- They take up more memory space once they are running, this reducing cluster resources that we could dedicate to something else
- The larger the image, the greater the attack surface for attackers. This results in security issues
Want to learn more about how to reduce the size of container images? Read my personal wiki Minimal Docker images
Here we go, our pipeline built the Docker images and then pushed the images to our repository after verifying that they have no known vulnerabilities
In this case we have created multi-architecture images, they can run on both amd and arm architectures.
We can take a look at our beautiful image on Docker Hub
Everything is ready, we can finally enjoy Kubernetes
These manifests are only intended to port the application to kubernetes and have a skeleton to build the helm from In a first step we distribute the images by hand to make sure everything is ok and that the right environment variables are passed, in a second step we proceed with elmizing the solution.
For the deployment on Kubernetes let's generate the manifest of the 2 deployments:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
namespace: app1
app: app1
name: app1
replicas: 1
app: app1
strategy: {}
app: app1
- image: hecha00/app1:1.0
name: app1
- name: APP_NAME
value: app1-production
- name: COUNTRY
value: us
resources: {}
Then we expose the Pods internally to the cluster by creating a ClusterIP type Service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: app1-svc
namespace: app1
app: app1
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: ClusterIP
In the example I have reported only the info relating to the first application. We can follow the same steps also for the deployment of the second application
From now on, our set of pods will be accessible within the cluster via the service, so we can curl
on the service to the path of interest by building the host with the syntax [SERVICE_NAME].[NAMESPACE]
(Wouldn't serve the .[NAMESPACE]
if you were in the same namespace)
Example from one of the pods related to app1
curl app1-svc.app1/ping
We expose the application using two Cluster IP services and place them behind an ingress controller, then we're going to edit our etc/hosts file to make sure everything went fine
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress
namespace: gitops-flow
- host: app1-it.info
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: app1-svc
number: 80
- host: app2-it.info
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: app2-svc
number: 80
Now, after editing our /etc/hosts
file with following line
[RASPBERRY_PI_IP] app1-it.info
we can make a call to the host
curl app-it.info
Following the philosophy of "Make it work, then make it beautiful" I first exposed the Raspberry Pi in the DMZ to test a functional first round
If you want to make calls to the services just exposed on the raspberry but from the public network you can search for the IP address of hecha.homepc.it
(My DDNS) and save it in your /etc/hosts
file as we did in the previous step.
So, to retrieve my public you can run:
dig hecha.homepc.it
And then copy this value in your /etc/hosts
[MY_PUBLIC_IP] app1-it.info
We're on Kubernetes so we like it barefoot, right? Let's add limits and resource requests to our pod. We know that a resting nginx pod consumes about 5Mi of RAM and 3M of CPU.
- image: hecha00/app1:1.0
memory: "40Mi"
cpu: "40m"
memory: "20Mi"
cpu: "20m"
and let's create an HPA
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: my-deployment-hpa
namespace: gitops-flow
maxReplicas: 10
- resource:
name: cpu
averageUtilization: 80
type: Utilization
type: Resource
minReplicas: 1
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: app1
What we are telling our cluster with these definitions is that it should scale the pods in this deployment up to a maximum of 10 and should add a pod every time the cpu values get close to 80% of the limit defined here
Created the skeleton of the manifests, I parameterized some values by setting up a hellm chart, here is an extract that creates the depoyments
- Example of
create: true
appName: app1
env: staging
- it
- es
- uk
- Example of Deployment
{{- if .Values.firstApp.create }}
{{ $appName := .Values.firstApp.appName }}
{{ $environment := .Values.firstApp.env }}
{{- range $country := .Values.firstApp.countries }}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
namespace: gitops-flow-{{ $country}}
app: {{ $appName }}-{{ $country}}
name: {{ $appName }}-{{ $country}}
replicas: 1
app: {{ $appName }}-{{ $country}}
strategy: {}
app: {{ $appName }}-{{ $country}}
- image: hecha00/{{ $appName }}:1.0
name: {{ $appName }}-{{ $country}}
- name: APP_NAME
value: {{ $appName }}-{{ $environment }}
- name: COUNTRY
value: {{ $country }}
resources: {}
status: {}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
The complete helm chart can be found HERE
helm install release helm -f helm/values-prod.yaml
helm upgrade release helm -f helm/values-prod.yaml
helm uninstall release
Once you have installed the necessary manifests to dpeloy the argocd resources we can expose argo-server svc via port-forward
k port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:443 -n argocd
Now we can access ArgoCD Web UI from localhost
To retrieve ArgoCD's first password:
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo
After a bit, we create our application in argo and we linked it to our GitHub Repo!
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: gitops-flow
name: ''
namespace: ''
server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
path: helm
repoURL: 'https://github.com/ettoreciarcia/k8s-flow'
targetRevision: HEAD
- values-prod.yaml
project: default
prune: true
selfHeal: true
- CreateNamespace=true
For the script I chose to use the Cobra library.
The purpose of this application is to generate a file to feed to helm for the creation of our resources
This script imposes the following constraints on the inserted data
- Countries cannot be longer than two letters
- The project name cannot be different from app1 or app2
- The environment cannot be different from production or staging
You can see a demo here:
We can then run the command
./helm-value-generator -c it,is -p app2 -e staging
And a file will be created which contains the values we specified
create: true
appName: app2
env: staging
- it
- is
With the current configuration nginx writes the logs only to stdout, to close this point I should change the nginx configuration so that the logs are saved to file
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format combined_realip '$http_x_forwarded_for - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
#gzip on;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
And I would have added the directive
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
in the server block.
Then I would read that file with a go or python program and make the logs available via http on a port
I see two problems in my approach:
- Port 80 would already be busy
- The file would keep changing and I don't think the nginx /logs page would update as the file changed without a nginx reload
To monitor the cluster I chose Prometheus and Grafana with a simple configuration (I don't scrape custom metrics).
The only change I made was to change the Promethes and Grafana services from ClusterIP to NodePort so they were directly accessible on my Raspberry Pi's IP
kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000
Here some intersting dashboard
Yeah, my RaspberryPi is about to explode!
In the previous step we set limits on the resources that the application pods can consume. It's time to put some stress on the application with a load test.
For this goal we will use locust, a modern load testing framework.
We will define a locustfile structured like this
from locust import HttpUser, task, between
class QuickstartUser(HttpUser):
def sample_call(self):
And now we see the magic
I made it possible to reach my VPN server by creating an .ovpn file for each user who needed it