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Pytest soft asserts.

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Supported asserts:

Assert Description Example Return
assert_true(condition, message=None) Verify that condition is True. soft_asserts.assert_true(a == b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_false(condition, message=None) Verify that condition is False. soft_asserts.assert_false(a == b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_equal(first, second, message=None) Verify that first is equal to second. soft_asserts.assert_equal(a, b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_not_equal(first, second, message=None) Verify that first is not equal to second. soft_asserts.assert_not_equal(a, b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is(first, second, message=None) Verify that first and second are the same object. soft_asserts.assert_is(a, b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is_not(first, second, message=None) Verify that first and second are not the same object. soft_asserts.assert_is_not(a, b) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is_none(obj, message=None) Verify that obj is None. soft_asserts.assert_is_none(a) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is_not_none(obj, message=None) Verify that obj is not None. soft_asserts.assert_is_not_none(a) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_in(obj, container, message=None) Verify that obj is in container. soft_asserts.assert_in(a, [a, b, c]) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_not_in(obj, container, message=None) Verify that obj is not in container. soft_asserts.assert_not_in(a, [b, c]) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is_instance(obj, cls, message=None) Verify that obj is instance of cls. soft_asserts.assert_is_instance(a, A) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_is_not_instance(obj, cls, message=None) Verify that obj is not instance of cls. soft_asserts.assert_is_not_instance(a, B) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_almost_equal(first, second, delta, message=None) Verify that first is almost equal to second,
and the different is equal or less to delta.
soft_asserts.assert_almost_equal(1.001, 1.002, 0.1) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_not_almost_equal(first, second, delta, message=None) Verify that first is not almost equal to second,
and the different is more than delta.
soft_asserts.assert_not_almost_equal(1.001, 1.002, 0.00001) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_raises(exception, method: Callable, *args, **kwargs) Verify that method execution raise exception. soft_asserts.assert_raises(TypeError, sum, 'a', 2) True if assertion passes, False if assertion fails.
assert_raises_with(exception, message=None) Verify that execution in 'with' block raise exception. with soft_asserts.assert_raised_with(ValueError):
    raise ValueError(ERROR_MESSAGE_1)

In the end of each test, the soft asserts will be verified and the test will be marked as failed if any of the asserts failed.
To verify the soft asserts in the middle of the test, call soft_asserts.assert_all().

assert_all() will raise AssertionError if any of the asserts failed.


Each testing section can be divided to steps.
The meaning of this is that if one of the asserts in a step failed,
then the step will be entered to list of failure steps and next test can be skipped
if it is depended on the failed step.


To make test be skipped if step failed, a custom marker should be created.

This is an example of such custom marker, but user can create its own custom marker.

In file:

import pytest

def run_before_test(request):
    markers = request.node.own_markers

    for marker in markers:
        if == 'soft_asserts':
            marker_params = marker.kwargs
            soft_asserts = marker_params['soft_asserts']
            skip_steps = marker_params['skip_steps']

            for step in skip_steps:
                if soft_asserts.is_step_in_failure_steps(step):
                    pytest.skip(f'Skipped because [{step}] failed.')
import pytest
from nrt_pytest_soft_asserts.soft_asserts import SoftAsserts

soft_asserts = SoftAsserts()

STEP_1 = 'step_1'
STEP_2 = 'step_2'

def test_assert_with_steps():
    # result is False
    result = soft_asserts.assert_true(False)
    # print False
    # From this code section steps will not be attached to failure asserts

@pytest.mark.soft_asserts(soft_asserts=soft_asserts, skip_steps=[STEP_1])
def test_skip_if_step_1_fail():

@pytest.mark.soft_asserts(soft_asserts=soft_asserts, skip_steps=[STEP_2])
def test_skip_if_step_2_fail():

Print error on each failed assert

Each assertion failure can be printed.
This can be done by adding logger or by adding a print method.

  • In case a logger will be added to soft asserts, then logger.error(message) will be used.
  • In case a print method will be added to soft asserts, then print_method(message) will be used.
  • logger and print method cannot be added together.

Error format

message [file_path: line_number] code_line

logger example:

import logging
from nrt_pytest_soft_asserts.soft_asserts import SoftAsserts

logger = logging.getLogger('test')

soft_asserts = SoftAsserts()

# logger will be used to print message after each assert fail.

def test_assert_true_fail():
    i = 1
    j = 2
    # logger.error() will print messages to console for each assert that fails
    soft_asserts.assert_true(i + j == 5)
    # f'{i} is different from {j}' will be printed by logger.error() after assert will fail
    soft_asserts.assert_equal(i, j, f'{i} is different from {j}')

print method example:

from nrt_pytest_soft_asserts.soft_asserts import SoftAsserts

def print_method(message):

soft_asserts = SoftAsserts()

# print_method will be used to print message after each assert fail.

def test_assert_true_fail():
    i = 1
    j = 2
    # print_method will print messages to console for each assert that fails
    soft_asserts.assert_true(i + j == 5)
    # f'{i} is different from {j}' will be printed by print_method after assert will fail
    soft_asserts.assert_equal(i, j, f'{i} is different from {j}')
