Student | Mid-level Software Developer | Generalist | GoStack Alumni
Hi there! I'm a Brazilian who always loved to create things and learn about technology - I mean every kind of tech not only IT. I like to create things like draws, videos, sculptures, 3D models, animations, softwares, websites, create new food recipes or write fiction stories and I'm always trying to learn better ways to do those things. If I would pick a title to describes me would be "Generalist Creator".
In 2020 I did Rocketseat's GoStack bootcamp, where I've learned a lot about React universe, Typescript, REST APIs, design patterns, databases, and more... I highly recommend it to everyone.
I'm now focusing at Software Architecture and Design Patterns.
- I never throw my earphones or headphones away when they break, so I can fix one using the other.
- I've made a Minecraft mod when I was a teenager and also a showcase on YouTube.
- I fix my computer myself since when I was a kid and just let others do after I try.
- I have some difficult to talk with others at the beginning but then I can't stop.
- I have some terrible karaoke records on Smule.
- I love to be challenged and help others with theirs.
- I've been programming for 10 years but only now (2022) I've became confident with my programming skills.