This determines the screen size (width and height) of a Xojo program that moves a window on a screen
When running a Windows 10 program with Xojo 2020 r1 which uses the new API2 code, determining the screen resolution can be difficult. This example uses Windows API declares and Xojo code to retrieve the screen size that the Window1 application is running.
This was created on Windows 10, Xojo 2020 r1.
Attached is a screen grab that shows the Width and Height of two different screens on the same computer, when one screen is 1920 x 1040 and the other screen is 1024 x 728. This information can be used to resize the Window1 of your Xojo application to be used on different sized monitors - as an example.
A brief writeup of the program can be viewed at:
An older version of this example has been written in Xojo 2015 r1, and has the filename "DPIResolutionV2-2015r1.xojo_binary_project".