A Payfast Onsite Payments implementation for Laravel designed to ease subscription billing. Livewire views are included.
- PHP 8.3
- Laravel 11.x or higher
- A Payfast Sandbox account
- A Payfast account
If you want to use Laravel Nova, version 4 is required for the Subscription
and Receipt
Install the package via composer:
composer require fintech-systems/payfast-onsite-subscriptions
Publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FintechSystems\Payfast\PayfastServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Publish the Success and Cancelled views and the Livewire components for subscriptions and receipts.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FintechSystems\Payfast\PayfastServiceProvider" --tag="views"
These files are:
To include the pricing component on a page, do this:
In your header:
@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
In your view:
You'll end up with a page looking like this:
Optionally publish Laravel Nova Subscription and Receipts Resources and Actions
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="FintechSystems\Payfast\PayfastServiceProvider" --tag="nova-resources"
A migration is needed to create Customers, Orders, Receipts and Subscriptions tables:
php artisan migrate
return [
'merchant_id' => env('PAYFAST_MERCHANT_ID', '10004002'),
'merchant_key' => env('PAYFAST_MERCHANT_KEY', 'q1cd2rdny4a53'),
'passphrase' => env('PAYFAST_PASSPHRASE', 'payfast'),
'test_mode' => env('PAYFAST_TEST_MODE', true),
'return_url' => env('PAYFAST_RETURN_URL', config('app.url') . '/payfast/return'),
'cancel_url' => env('PAYFAST_CANCEL_URL', config('app.url') . '/payfast/cancel'),
'notify_url' => env('PAYFAST_NOTIFY_URL', config('app.url') . '/payfast/notify'),
'card_update_link_css' => env('CARD_UPDATE_LINK_CSS', 'inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 border border-transparent rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-gray-700 active:bg-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:border-gray-900 focus:ring focus:ring-gray-300 disabled:opacity-25 transition'),
'card_updated_return_url' => env('CARD_UPDATED_RETURN_URL', config('app.url') . '/user/profile'),
'plans' => [
3 => [
'name' => 'Monthly R 99',
'start_date' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDay()->format('Y-m-d'),
'payfast_frequency' => 3,
'initial_amount' => 5.99,
'recurring_amount' => 5.99,
6 => [
'name' => 'Yearly R 1089',
'start_date' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'),
'payfast_frequency' => 6,
'initial_amount' => 6.89,
'recurring_amount' => 6.89,
'cancelation_reasons' => [
'Too expensive',
'Lacks features',
'Not what I expected',
The Livewire views are modelled to blend into a Laravel Jetstream user profile page.
In app.blade.php
below in the Account Management sections (e.g., below profile):
<x-dropdown-link href="/user/billing">
Also look for the responsive part and add this:
<x-responsive-nav-link href="/user/billing" :active="request()->routeIs('profile.billing')">
When calling the Livewire component, you can override any PayFast form field by specifying a mergeFields
Example modification Jetstream Livewire's resources/views/profiles/show.php
Replace $user->name
with your first name and last name fields.
<!-- Subscriptions -->
<div class="mt-10 sm:mt-0">
@livewire('subscriptions', ['mergeFields' => [
'name_first' => $user->name,
'name_last' => $user->name,
'item_description' => 'Subscription to Online Service'
]] )
<x-section-border />
<!-- End Subscriptions -->
<!-- Receipts -->
<div class="mt-10 sm:mt-0">
<x-section-border />
<!-- End Receipts -->
- Generate a payment link
- Create an adhoc token optionally specifying the amount
- Cancel a subscription
- Update a card
use FintechSystems\PayFast\Facades\Payfast;
Route::get('/payment', function() {
return Payfast::payment(5,'Order #1');
Route::get('/cancel-subscription', function() {
return Payfast::cancelSubscription('73d2a218-695e-4bb5-9f62-383e53bef68f');
Route::get('/create-subscription', function() {
return Payfast::createSubscription(
5, // Amount
6 // Frequency (6 = annual, 3 = monthly)
Route::get('/create-adhoc-token', function() {
return Payfast::createAdhocToken(5);
Route::get('/fetch-subscription', function() {
return Payfast::fetchSubscription('21189d52-12eb-4108-9c0e-53343c7ac692');
Route::get('/update-card', function() {
return Payfast::updateCardLink('40ab3194-20f0-4814-8c89-4d2a6b5462ed');
$user->subscription('default')->ends_at = [date in the past]
In your main project, add this:
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "../payfast-onsite-subscriptions"
Then do this to symlink the library:
composer require fintechsystems/payfast-onsite-subscriptions:dev-main
If you want to test trials, use this one-liner to activate a billable user and a trial using Tinker:
$user = User::find(x)->createAsCustomer(['trial_ends_at' => now()->addDays(30)]);
To see if a user is on trial as used in the subscriptions blade, do this:
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.