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Template for setting up PWA (Progressive Web App) site mode

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This project is a template with a customized PWA (Progressive Web App) mode of the site. It includes a customizable install button, support for various notifications for all types of browsers. It also displays a notification about the disconnection of the Internet connection.

Optimized favicon of the site, using a minimum number of files. To create such icons, you can use Figma templates.

For Apple devices, a splash screen has been created, which in turn is optimized for all screen sizes. And this splash screen is created automatically (you will not need to constantly update them manually).


  • PWA Support: Includes all the necessary settings for the site to work in PWA mode
  • Custom Install Button: The user can easily install the application on his device;
  • Custom Install Button - Notifications: Supports notifications for different types of browsers;
  • Offline Notifications: Supports offline notifications about internet disconnection;
  • Optimized Site Icon: Using a minimum number of icons for all browsers and devices;
  • Optimized Splash Screensavers for Apple: Optimization and automation of splash screens that are created automatically.


1. Create manifest.webmanifest

Use manifest.webmanifest in the public folder with the specified settings.

2. Project favicon

Create favicons that are specified in manifest.webmanifest and index.html

PWA works

As a result of recent updates from Google, PWA works correctly only when using hosting and a configured SSL certificate on the domain name.


If you have suggestions or found errors, please create an issue or open a pull request.

React + TypeScript + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

Expanding the ESLint configuration

If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type-aware lint rules:

export default tseslint.config({
  extends: [
    // Remove ...tseslint.configs.recommended and replace with this
    // Alternatively, use this for stricter rules
    // Optionally, add this for stylistic rules
  languageOptions: {
    // other options...
    parserOptions: {
      project: ["./tsconfig.node.json", "./"],
      tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname,

You can also install eslint-plugin-react-x and eslint-plugin-react-dom for React-specific lint rules:

// eslint.config.js
import reactX from "eslint-plugin-react-x";
import reactDom from "eslint-plugin-react-dom";

export default tseslint.config({
  plugins: {
    // Add the react-x and react-dom plugins
    "react-x": reactX,
    "react-dom": reactDom,
  rules: {
    // other rules...
    // Enable its recommended typescript rules