MetopDatasets.jl is a package for reading products from the METOP satellites using the native binary format specified for each product. The METOP satellites are part of the EUMETSAT-POLAR-SYSTEM (EPS) and have produced near real-time, global weather and climate observation since 2007. Learn more METOP and the data access on EUMETSATs user-portal.
MetopDatasets.jl exports the MetopDataset
API which is an implementation of the CommonDataModel.jl interface and thus provides data access similar to e.g. NCDatasets.jl and GRIBDatasets.jl.
Only a subset of the METOP native formats are supported currently but we are continuously adding formats. The goal is to support all publicly available native METOP products. See supported formats for more information
It is also possible to use MetopDatasets.jl from Python. See section in documentation for more information.
This code is licensed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for details on the usage and distribution terms.
- Simon Kok Lupemba - Maintainer - EUMETSAT
- Jonas Wilzewski - Contributor - EUMETSAT
MetopDatasets.jl can be installed via Pkg and the url to the GitHub repository.
import Pkg
Open data set and list variables
using MetopDatasets
ds = MetopDataset("ASCA_SZO_1B_M03_20230329063300Z_20230329063556Z_N_C_20230329081417Z");
REPL output:
("record_start_time", "record_stop_time", "degraded_inst_mdr", "degraded_proc_mdr", "utc_line_nodes", "abs_line_number", "sat_track_azi", "as_des_pass", "swath_indicator", "latitude", "longitude", "sigma0_trip", "kp", "inc_angle_trip", "azi_angle_trip", "num_val_trip", "f_kp", "f_usable", "f_land",
"lcr", "flagfield")
Display variable information
REPL output:
latitude (42 × 48)
Datatype: Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
Dimensions: xtrack × atrack
description = Latitude (-90 to 90 deg)
missing_value = Int32[-2147483648]
scale_factor = 1.0e-6
Load the complete variable
REPL output:
42×48 Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}:
-33.7308 -33.949 … -43.7545 -43.9721
-33.6969 -33.9152 -43.7252 -43.9429
-33.6624 -33.8808 -43.695 -43.9127
-33.6274 -33.8458 -43.6639 -43.8818
⋮ ⋱
-30.1606 -30.3748 -39.9343 -40.1446
-30.0909 -30.3049 … -39.8538 -40.0638
-30.0206 -30.2344 -39.7726 -39.9823
See documentation page for more information.