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Merge pull request #61 from eunjooChoi/notification #161

Merge pull request #61 from eunjooChoi/notification

Merge pull request #61 from eunjooChoi/notification #161

GitHub Actions / Xcode test results succeeded Apr 16, 2024 in 0s

Xcode test results

Testing project PlantingMind with scheme PlantingMind


TotalSuccess PassedFailure FailedSkipped SkippedExpected Failure Expected Failure⏱️ Time

Test Summary


  • Device: iPhone 15 Pro, 17.0.1 (21A342)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class AnalysisViewModelTests22000
test-class CalendarViewModelTests99000
test-class DayCellViewModelTest88000
test-class MonthPickerViewModelTests66000
test-class MoodRecordViewModelTests77000
test-class NotificationSettingsViewModelTests22000
test-class SettingsViewModelTests55000


  • Device: iPhone 15 Pro, 17.0.1 (21A342)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class PlantingMindUITests11000
test-class PlantingMindUITestsLaunchTests44000

Failure Failures

All tests passed 🎉

Code Coverage

Coverage Covered Executable
FirebaseCrashlytics 30.32 % 3291 10854
  FIRCLSByteUtility.m 55.22 % 37 67
  FIRCLSAsyncOperation.m 0.00 % 0 98
  FIRCLSCompoundOperation.m 0.00 % 0 131
  FIRCLSUtility.m 15.33 % 21 137
  FIRCLSInternalReport.m 29.87 % 46 154
  FIRCLSDataParsing.c 0.00 % 0 150
  FIRCLSMachOBinary.m 0.00 % 0 106
  FIRCLSMachOSlice.m 0.00 % 0 67
  FIRCLSHost.m 66.67 % 60 90
  FIRCLSFABHost.m 55.00 % 22 40
  FIRCLSManagerData.m 92.00 % 23 25
  FIRCLSContext.m 84.12 % 302 359
  FIRCLSProcessReportOperation.m 0.00 % 0 68
  FIRCLSSignal.c 43.84 % 121 276
  FIRCLSCodeMapping.m 0.00 % 0 11
  FIRCLSAllocate.c 53.57 % 75 140
  FIRCLSURLBuilder.m 86.27 % 44 51
  FIRStackFrame.m 0.00 % 0 40
  FIRCLSFABAsyncOperation.m 85.71 % 90 105
  FIRCrashlytics.m 42.34 % 116 274
  FIRCLSFile.m 64.29 % 288 448
  FIRCLSCompactUnwind.c 0.00 % 0 244
  FIRCLSSymbolResolver.m 0.00 % 0 116
  FIRCLSUnwind.c 0.00 % 0 157 0.00 % 0 57
  FIRCLSNetworkResponseHandler.m 33.04 % 76 230
  FIRCLSLaunchMarkerModel.m 83.33 % 30 36
  FIRCLSDownloadAndSaveSettingsOperation.m 90.36 % 75 83
  FIRCLSCallStackTree.m 0.00 % 0 83
  FIRCLSSettingsManager.m 79.71 % 55 69
  FIRCLSConstants.m 100.00 % 6 6
  FIRCLSNetworkOperation.m 89.36 % 42 47
  FIRCLSInternalLogging.c 70.59 % 48 68
  FIRExceptionModel.m 0.00 % 0 12
  FIRCLSUnwind_arm.c 0.00 % 0 237
  FIRCrashlyticsReport.m 0.00 % 0 109
  FIRCLSOnDemandModel.m 10.38 % 19 183
  FIRCLSThreadArrayOperation.m 0.00 % 0 10
  FIRCLSExistingReportManager.m 37.44 % 76 203
  FIRCLSProcess.c 3.46 % 15 433
  FIRCLSMachException.c 25.39 % 65 256 4.56 % 14 307
  FIRCLSExecutionIdentifierModel.m 77.78 % 7 9
  FIRCLSCrashedMarkerFile.c 0.00 % 0 9
  FIRCLSRolloutsPersistenceManager.m 0.00 % 0 34
  FIRCLSUUID.m 100.00 % 12 12
  FIRCLSApplicationIdentifierModel.m 81.25 % 78 96
  FIRCLSContextManager.m 76.67 % 23 30
  FIRCLSBinaryImage.m 61.56 % 213 346
  FIRCLSSerializeSymbolicatedFramesOperation.m 0.00 % 0 27
  FIRCLSHandler.m 0.00 % 0 13
  FIRCLSInstallIdentifierModel.m 25.23 % 27 107
  FIRCLSMetricKitManager.m 0.00 % 0 295
  FIRCLSSymbolicationOperation.m 0.00 % 0 8
  FIRCLSRecordApplication.m 0.00 % 0 8
  FIRCLSReportUploader.m 6.15 % 11 179
  FIRCLSUserLogging.m 16.95 % 71 419
  FIRCLSReportAdapter.m 0.00 % 0 167
  FIRCLSDataCollectionArbiter.m 47.83 % 33 69
  FIRCLSDwarfExpressionMachine.c 0.00 % 0 303
  FIRCLSNotificationManager.m 87.88 % 58 66
  FIRCLSDwarfUnwind.c 0.00 % 0 667
  FIRCLSRecordBase.m 0.00 % 0 3
  FIRCLSUserDefaults.m 67.57 % 200 296
  FIRCLSRecordIdentity.m 0.00 % 0 8
  FIRCLSMultipartMimeStreamEncoder.m 0.00 % 0 133
  FIRCLSApplication.m 40.18 % 45 112
  FIRCLSThreadState.c 0.00 % 0 52
  FIRCLSLogger.m 25.93 % 7 27
  FIRCLSFileManager.m 64.62 % 126 195
  FIRCLSMachO.m 43.10 % 150 348
  FIRCLSAnalyticsManager.m 20.59 % 14 68
  FIRCLSSettings.m 57.64 % 132 229
  FIRCLSRecordHost.m 0.00 % 0 7
  FIRCLSReportManager.m 61.71 % 195 316
  FIRCLSFABNetworkClient.m 33.52 % 117 349
  FIRCLSdSYM.m 0.00 % 0 58
  FIRCLSDataCollectionToken.m 100.00 % 6 6
GULEnvironment 46.70 % 340 728
  GULNetworkInfo.m 0.00 % 0 88
  GULURLSessionDataResponse.m 100.00 % 8 8
  GULAppEnvironmentUtil.m 56.69 % 89 157
  GULHeartbeatDateStorageUserDefaults.m 0.00 % 0 32
  GULKeychainStorage.m 76.27 % 135 177
  GULKeychainUtils.m 62.96 % 51 81
  GULHeartbeatDateStorage.m 0.00 % 0 81
  GULSecureCoding.m 31.34 % 21 67
  NSURLSession+GULPromises.m 97.30 % 36 37
GULLogger 39.10 % 52 133
  GULLogger.m 39.10 % 52 133
GULNSData 26.28 % 36 137
  GULNSData+zlib.m 26.28 % 36 137
GULUserDefaults 28.69 % 35 122
  GULUserDefaults.m 28.69 % 35 122 40.59 % 917 2259
  PrivacyPolicyWebview.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  MoodRecordViewModel.swift 91.76 % 78 85
  StringExtension.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  CalendarView.swift 98.04 % 50 51
  MoodRecord+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  CoreDataStack.swift 92.59 % 25 27
  SettingsView.swift 0.00 % 0 244
  Mood.swift 65.00 % 13 20
  CalendarViewModel.swift 96.99 % 129 133
  CalendarGridView.swift 86.44 % 51 59
  MonthPickerView.swift 0.00 % 0 218
  AnalysisView.swift 14.49 % 10 69
  DayCellViewModel.swift 100.00 % 33 33
  DateExtension.swift 100.00 % 6 6
  MonthPickerViewModel.swift 95.95 % 71 74
  DayCellView.swift 88.31 % 68 77
  UTTypeExtension.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  NotificationSettingView.swift 0.00 % 0 131
  MindDocument.swift 18.75 % 3 16
  NotificationSettingViewModel.swift 96.67 % 29 30
  MoodRecordView.swift 0.00 % 0 521
  MoodRecord+CoreDataClass.swift 95.00 % 19 20
  NotifiactionManager.swift 38.95 % 37 95
  ContentView.swift 100.00 % 16 16
  SettingsViewModel.swift 88.42 % 84 95
  CalendarHeaderView.swift 88.40 % 160 181
  PlantingMindApp.swift 100.00 % 20 20
  CrashlyticsLog.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  AnalysisViewModel.swift 100.00 % 15 15
PlantingWidgetExtension.appex 21.51 % 57 265
  StringExtension.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  CoreDataStack.swift 92.59 % 25 27
  PlantingWidget.swift 0.00 % 0 189
  PlantingWidgetBundle.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  MoodRecord+CoreDataClass.swift 95.00 % 19 20
  Mood.swift 65.00 % 13 20
  MoodRecord+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 3
Total 32.61 % 4728 14498


Test Details


AnalysisViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method test_MoodRecord_to_MoodAnalysis_변환_체크()
Successtest-method test_전체_기록_카운트()

CalendarViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_2024년_1월_이전으로_이동하려는_경우_막기()
Successtest-method test_notification_받아서_fetch()
Successtest-method test_날짜_앞에_nil이_제대로_들어갔는지_확인()
Successtest-method test_다음_달로_이동()
Successtest-method test_백포전환시_날짜가_변경된_경우()
Successtest-method test_원하는_날짜의_mood_받기()
Successtest-method test_이전_달로_이동()
Successtest-method test_해당_월의_mood_list_가져오기()
Successtest-method test_현재_달의_다음_달로_이동하려는_경우_막기()

DayCellViewModelTest back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
8 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_DayCellModel_record_nil()
Successtest-method test_DayCellModel_record_non_nil()
Successtest-method test_isFutureDate_보여줄_날짜가_오늘()
Successtest-method test_isFutureDate_보여줄_날짜가_오늘보다_과거()
Successtest-method test_isFutureDate_보여줄_날짜가_오늘보다_미래()
Successtest-method test_isToday_false_날짜색()
Successtest-method test_isToday_true_날짜색()
Successtest-method test_미래_날짜색은_회색()

MonthPickerViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
6 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_pickedMonth()
Successtest-method test_selectedYear_Month_세팅()
Successtest-method test_시작년도는_시작월부터_12월까지_나와야함()
Successtest-method test_이전년도는_1월부터_12월까지_다_나와야함()
Successtest-method test_이전년도에서_올해로_연도를_돌릴때_아직_오지_않은_달인경우_현재달로_설정()
Successtest-method test_이전년도에서_올해로_연도를_돌리면_올해의_현재달까지_나와야함()

MoodRecordViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
7 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_notification_발송()
Successtest-method test_기록_삭제_확인()
Successtest-method test_기분_데이터_넘겨주는_경우()
Successtest-method test_기분_데이터_없을_때_기본값_확인()
Successtest-method test_수정_후_저장_확인()
Successtest-method test_취소했을_때_변경사항_없는_경우()
Successtest-method test_취소했을_때_변경사항_있는_경우()

NotificationSettingsViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_checkPermission()
Successtest-method test_sink_테스트()

SettingsViewModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
5 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method test_exportable_기록_없는_경우_false()
Successtest-method test_exportable_기록_있는_경우_true()
Successtest-method test_import_data_들어가는지_확인후_context_save_노티_체크()
Successtest-method test_MindDocument_정상생성()
Successtest-method test_privacy_policy()


PlantingMindUITests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3.93s
Successtest-method testExample()

  • Start Test at 2024-04-16 07:54:24.643
  • Some attachments were deleted because they were configured to be removed on success.
  • Set Up
  • Open com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
    • Launch com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
      • Setting up automation session
      • Wait for com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind to idle
  • Tear Down

PlantingMindUITestsLaunchTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
4 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)4.07s
SuccessSuccess test-method testLaunch()

XCUIAppearanceMode: 1, XCUIApplicationLocalization: ko

  • Start Test at 2024-04-16 07:54:29.120
  • Some attachments were deleted because they were configured to be removed on success.
  • Set Up
  • Open com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
    • Launch com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
      • Terminate com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind:26866
      • Setting up automation session
      • Wait for com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind to idle
  • Tear Down
Success test-method testLaunch()

XCUIAppearanceMode: 1, XCUIApplicationLocalization: en

  • Start Test at 2024-04-16 07:54:33.106
  • Some attachments were deleted because they were configured to be removed on success.
  • Set Up
  • Open com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
    • Launch com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
      • Terminate com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind:27032
      • Setting up automation session
      • Wait for com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind to idle
  • Tear Down
Success test-method testLaunch()

XCUIAppearanceMode: 2, XCUIApplicationLocalization: ko

  • Start Test at 2024-04-16 07:54:39.183
  • Some attachments were deleted because they were configured to be removed on success.
  • Set Up
  • Open com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
    • Launch com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
      • Terminate com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind:27057
      • Setting up automation session
      • Wait for com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind to idle
  • Tear Down
Success test-method testLaunch()

XCUIAppearanceMode: 2, XCUIApplicationLocalization: en

  • Start Test at 2024-04-16 07:54:43.038
  • Some attachments were deleted because they were configured to be removed on success.
  • Set Up
  • Open com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
    • Launch com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind
      • Terminate com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind:27471
      • Setting up automation session
      • Wait for com.eunjoo.planting-mind.PlantingMind to idle
  • Tear Down