The first thing we must do is create an account in Twilio.
Once the account is created, we go to the Functions option and create one.
Create Function | |
Function Name | sendMessage |
Path | URL_TWILIO/sendMessage |
And in the option code insert a similar code.
const axios = require('axios');
const { escape } = require('querystring');
let sessions = {};
exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
let query = decodeURIComponent(escape(event.Body));
let number1 = escape(event.From);
let mediaContent = ''
let link = ''
if(event.MediaContentType0 == "application/pdf"){
query = query+' Link del pdf '
link = event.MediaUrl0
}else if(event.MediaUrl0){
const image = event.MediaUrl0
const type = event.MediaContentType0
mediaContent = {
const number = number1.slice(14);
let inputText = query.replace(/%20/g, " ");
const body = {
"text": query,
"phoneNumber": number,
"userChannel": 'twilio',
"mediaUrl": mediaContent,
"mediaLink": link
let headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
console.log(body);'URL_TO_SERVICE_POST/api/wsp/receive', body, { headers: headers });
We modify the whatsapp connector. Open the messagesAPI.js file and find the variables
- accountSid
- authToken
And replace with the credentials that your twilio account gives you.
With all the connector variables modified, it only remains to deploy the code in any cloud (Azure, GCP, Aws, etc..)
eva professional services
*Components are not supported