Releases: evanhowell/WhaleWatch
Version 1.1.2
Made changes to run script to fix calling issue for plot function. Fixed plot function to make wider colorbars.
Version 1.1.1
Version 1.1 changes the plot_GAMMRaster.R function to make a four panel conglomerate plot. Function Predict_GAMM.R now makes the average and standard deviations from both the 0-100% probability of occurrence and converted densities. The master run_WhaleWatch.R script was updated to call the new functions.
Version 1.1.1 adds the fixed 0-3 density scale.
WhaleWatch Version 1.0
The initial release of all scripts and data used to create the operational WhaleWatch product.
This is the first release of the scripts used to create the operational WhaleWatch product. This work is all performed in the R programming environment and relies on the following R packages to be installed: gmt, maptools, mgcv, ncdf, raster, rasterVis, RCurl, reshape, SDMTools, sp. The user-defined function pkgTest will check for the installation of these packages and attempt to install if they are not present.
The directory structure is as follows:
All scripts are in the /Code directory.
get_Bathymetry.R - a function to make the static bathymetry file if the file Data/bathy.txt is not present
load_Functions.R - a script to load user defined functions and sources the other files used in the process
predict_GAMM.R - a function to run the 40 models for the monthly environmental data and returns the predictions
get_EnvData.R - a function to pull the latest monthly environmental data
plot_GAMMRaster.R - a function to plot four maps based on the monthly predictions: mean, SD, upper, and lower
run_WhaleWatch.R - a wrapper script to load functions, source code, and call procedures.
All data are in the /Data directory
bathy.txt - ASCII file holding the static bathymetry data for the WhaleWatch spatial box
MasterGrid.RData - An R data image with a raster object mastergrid that is used as the grid master in the process
WhaleWatchFactors_{month}_{year}.csv - ASCII file of the monthly factors written from get_EnvData.R - TOPEX bathymetry for the box starting at 140W (west edge) and 40N(north edge) - TOPEX bathymetry for the box starting at 140W (west edge) and 90N(north edge)
/Docs - All documents related to the project
/Images - All final images created from plot_GAMMRaster.R
/ModelRuns - The 40 models for winter-spring (wisp) and 40 models for summer-fall (sufa)
/Predictions - ASCII files of the final predictions from predict_GAMM.R
/logs - logfiles for all runs