I've seen a lot of GoL simulations online, but I wanted one where you could choose the placement of your patterns/creatures on the grid, and I wanted it to run in the terminal. Also, I saw almost all of the ones online run numpy, which can be a pain for beginners to install and understand. So I wrote this guy.
- Not really high-quality. Feel free to put up a PR to clean things up. The bulk of the logic was written one morning
- Accompanies a blog post that I'm still writing.
- Complimentary elementary CA printer here: https://github.com/evankozliner/elementary-CAs
- python3
- No other dependencies!
Conway's Game of Life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
usage: Main.py [-h] [-e EVOLUTIONS] [-t TICK_RATE] [-w WIDTH] [-r ROWS]
[--glider] [-p PLACEMENT_FILE]
Runs Conway's game of life in the terminal.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The number of steps to run the game of life for.
-t TICK_RATE, --tick_rate TICK_RATE
The time between ticks in game (in seconds, default
0.3). Try something like 0.05 to watch the game evolve
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
The width (number of columns) of the game.
-r ROWS, --rows ROWS The height (number of rows) of the game.
--glider Adds a simple glider to the game to give you an idea
of what patterns are like.
The location of the placement file. You can use these
to place patterns into the game. Be sure the patterns
fall within the allocated width/rows
- Refactor into files
- More oscillators, unbounded growths, etc
- Custom placement
- Option for saving to a gif
- Pressing enter will print more rows that don't do anything
$ python3 Main.py -e 10 -t .05 -r 10 -w 25 -p placement_files/glider.csv
Conway's Game of Life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
$ python3 Main.py -e 500 -t .05 -r 50 -w 100 -p placement_files/grower.csv
Conway's Game of Life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life
$ python3 Main.py -e 5 -t .05 -r 50 -w 100 -p placement_files/pulsar-and-glider.csv
Conway's Game of Life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life