Simple, lightweight app used to track score during archery practice. For the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), each round consisted of 5 arrows each. This app allows for an easy to use way to track the score for each end, automatically calculating averages and saving the data.
I used it during my last season of archery practice in high school. I found keeping a spreadsheet in google sheets too tedious, so to optimize practice time I cut down on the time I needed to spend tracking my score. I competed at the National Archery Tournament with my team and qualified for the World Tournament.
To add arrows, press on the "Add Scores" button, which will take you to the screen to add a set of 5 arrows (1 round). Select the score for each arrow, as well as the distance (NASP only practices at either 10 meters or 15 meters). After pressing save, it will navigate back to the home screen, and the average for the practice session will be displayed. To clear the session, press the "Clear" button.
- Statistics Page
- Way to sign in
- Way to save data long term
- Style and how the app looks
Home Screen:
Main home page for the app.
Default Home:
Home Page with some ends:
Arrow Screen:
Screen to add arrows:
Screen to add arrows with arrows selected: