A calendar scheduler application for booking a meeting(call) with a mentor..
As a student I want to book a call with my mentor So that I can have a mentoring session during my course
Given I'm in the calendar page When I click on a date Then I see all the time slots containing the available and already allocated call sessions
Given I have chosen a date on the calendar page When I click on a free time slot Then I see a field where I type the reason for the call And I click on the button Confirm Call Then I see a confirmation message with the date, time, and reason for my call
Given I have chosen a date in the calendar page When I click on a time slot that has already been allocated to a call Then I see an error message about the allocated slot
I used the React Big Calendar and populated the event method of the calendar with the mentor API given as slots. Then an onClick event on the slot pops up a modal and with a form that user inputs his/her reason for the call and hit the confirm call buuton and the data is persisted to a database. Now here comes my challenge which is checking if an event is already booked, I wanted to check for an event in the database with the event ID but the events was not coming from my own database so doing that was a bit tricky.
- ReactJS
- React Big Calendar
- React-Boostrap
- Node/Express and Mongoose- For persisting booking to a db.
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps:
- Fork/Clone this project to your local machine
- Open folder in your local enviroment and run these lines of code to get started:
Install gems with:
npm install
then run
npm start
Then open a web page and go to port 3000 on your local machine.
The application was deployed on heroku. To deploy your own copy, you can follow the following steps:
👤 Evanson Igiri
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- Forking the project
- Cloning the project to your local machine
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git checkout -b your-branch-name
- Make your contributions
- Push your branch up to your forked repository
- Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development(or master if not available) branch of the original project for a review
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