SPHERE.IO is the first Platform-as-a-Service solution for eCommerce.
The Sphere Play SDK comprises of two Java libraries designed for building shopping applications on top of SPHERE.IO:
- standalone Java client for accessing the Sphere HTTP APIs
- SDK for building online shops using the Play Framework
We provide some example shop implementations on top of our Play SDK:
- SPHERE snowflake - code at github.com/commercetools/sphere-snowflake
- SPHERE fedora - code at github.com/commercetools/sphere-fedora
- SPHERE donut - code at github.com/commercetools/sphere-donut
To use the Play SDK in your Play application, add the following to your build file:
Play 2.2.x:
libraryDependencies += "io.sphere" %% "sphere-play-sdk" % "0.68.0" withSources()
To get started quickly, check out our tutorial, which includes creation of a fully functional sample shop. For detailed information please have a look at the JavaDoc
If you want to use just the Java client, the Maven dependency is:
These artifacts are deployed to Maven Central. The synchronization takes after the release two hours. With this additional resolver you can retrieve the artifacts earlier:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
If you use Play 2.1 use version 0.56.0.
Snapshots are published on sonatype including the first characters of the git commit hash. On sonatype you can look up the desired snapshot version number.
To resolve the jar, you need an additional resolver (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots):
lazy val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots"),
libraryDependencies += "io.sphere" %% "sphere-play-sdk" % "0.68.0" withSources()
This project is built using sbt
. If you want to execute the tests run
sbt test
To create locally the JavaDoc run sbt clean test:compile it:compile unidoc
and open target/javaunidoc/index.html
The Sphere Play SDK is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
This project uses the following open-source libraries:
These libraries are all also released under the Apache 2.0 License.
The first step to using the Sphere Java client is to create an instance of the SphereClient
. The client has to be configured
to access your project using the credentials you see in the Developers / API clients section of the
Merchant center.
SphereClient sphere = SphereClient.create(
new SphereClientConfig.Builder("my-project-key", "my-client-id", "my-client-secret", Locale.ENGLISH).build());
The SphereClient
provides a set of services, such as products()
, customers()
, orders()
and others. As you would
expect, the products()
service provides methods to access Products inside your Sphere project, the customers()
service lets you create and query Customers, and so on.
By calling sphere.products().byId(id).fetch()
you are fetching a Product from the Sphere backend. The .fetch()
is there
to make it more obvious to the reader that this does a remote call, since the latency to the Sphere backend is not negligible.
So what is the return type of sphere.products().byId(id)
then? It is a FetchRequest<Product>
, which apart from the
provides a few other methods, such as fetchAsync()
which fetches the object without blocking the current thread.
Apart from FetchRequest
there are three other types of request: the QueryRequest
, SearchRequest
and CommandRequest
The FetchRequest
is used to fetch a single object from the Sphere backend. It is returned by methods such as
. Its two main methods are:
which fetches the object synchronously (blocks the current thread until a response from the backend arrives).fetchAsync()
which fetches the object asynchronously (returns Guava'sListenableFuture
and doesn't block any thread).
The result type of both the synchronous and the asynchronous fetch methods in Guava's Optional<T>
(where T
is e.g. a Product
clearly expresses the expected result that the object might not be found.
Note: We think that using Optional
is in some cases (such as this one) nicer than using nulls to signal a missing object.
If you prefer, you can convert an Optional<T>
to an instance of T
very easily simply by calling the .orNull()
Here is an example of fetching a Product synchronously:
Product product = sphere.products().byId(id).fetch().orNull();
if (product != null) {
// work with the product
} else {
// product was not found
And here is the asynchronous version:
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureCallback;
Futures.addCallback(sphere.products().byId(id).fetchAsync(), new FutureCallback<Optional<Product>>() {
@Override public void onSuccess(Optional<Product> p) {
if (p.isPresent()) {
Product product = p.get();
// ...
} else {
// product was not found
@Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
// unexpected error, such as a 500 response from the backend, or connection timeout
The QueryRequest
is similar to the FetchRequest
, only it fetches multiple objects instead of a single one, and it
supports paging through the result set.
It is returned by methods such as sphere.orders().forCustomer(customerId)
Query requests internally use the Query HTTP APIs of Sphere and the result type is
a QueryResult
, which contains the collection of returned objects as well as standard paging information (offset
, total
The key methods of a QueryRequest
which fetches the results synchronously (blocks the current thread).fetchAsync()
which fetches the results asynchronously (doesn't block any thread).page(n)
which specifies the page to be fetched.pageSize(size)
which specifies how many results one page represents.
QueryResult<Review> reviews =
The SearchRequest
is used to access the
Product search API of Sphere.
It supports paging through the result set and has a broad range of filtering and faceting capabilities.
The key methods of a SearchRequest
, besides page
, pageSize
, fetch
and fetchAsync
which defines filtering criteria.facet(facetExpr)
which requests aggregated information calculated for given product attributes.sort(sort)
which makes the returned products be sorted by price or name.
SearchResult<Product> products =
filter(FilterExpr.fulltext("fulltext query")).
SearchResult<Product> products =
All objects returned by the fetch, query and search APIs are pure data objects that have no HTTP connection to the backend.
This means you can't do the following:
Review review = sphere.reviews.byId(id).fetch().orNull();
Instead, all the modifications have to go through services. For example:
Review updated = sphere.reviews.update(review.getIdAndVersion(), ...);
Cart cart = sphere.currentCart().fetch();
Cart updated = sphere.currentCart().addLineItem(...);
All getters in the data model that are guaranteed to never return null are annotated using javax.annotation.Nonnull
For example:
/** The sum of prices of all line items. */
@Nonnull public Money getTotalPrice()
Important: Any getters that are not annotated with Nonnull
can return null.
Getters returning collections (lists, sets) never return null.
/** Categories this product is in. */
@Nonnull public List<Category> getCategories()
We also use the Nonnull
annotation for String fields that are guaranteed to never be empty, such as:
/** Id of the customer who wrote the product review. */
@Nonnull public String getCustomerId()
For empty string fields, we prefer returning empty strings over nulls. Nevertheless, checking for empty strings should
always be done using Guava's Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)
, never s.equals("")
or s == null