This feature provides the EMF supporting component inclusion framework.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion (2.0.1):
- Use EPL v2.0 instead of EPL v1.0.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Edit (1.0.2):
- Use EPL v2.0 instead of EPL v1.0.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (0.2.3):
- Use EPL v2.0 instead of EPL v1.0.
- Issue #18: Inclusion generator causes Rodin files disappeared.
Removed unused dependencies
- Event-B EMF Inclusion (2.0.0):
- remove copy of bin from build - causes API analysis problem
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Edit (1.0.1):
- remove copy of bin from build - causes API analysis problem
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (0.2.2):
- remove copy of bin from build - causes API analysis problem
- Event-B EMF Inclusion (1.0.0):
- Updated dependency on Event-B EMF Core to [5.0.0, 6.0.0)
- Minor internal changes (to be compatible with Java 1.9)
- Do not re-export required plugins.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Edit (1.0.0):
- Minor internal changes (to be compatible with Java 1.9)
- Do not re-export required plugins.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Editor: REMOVED
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (0.2.1):
- Use adaptation of the EMF Translator for Event-B.
- Minor internal changes (to be compatible with Java 1.9)
- Event-B EMF Inclusion feature: Modernised the release history.
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Editor (0.2.0): Fixed provider name
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (0.2.0):
- Changed the implementation of Machine Inclusion translation rule
- Added event synchronisation translation rule as a separate rule from machine inclusion
- Event-B EMF Inclusion (0.1.0): Event-B EMF Inclusion Meta-model (Initial version)
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Edit (0.1.0): Event-B EMF Inclusion Edit Support (Initial version)
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Editor (0.1.0): Event-B EMF Inclusion Editor (Initial version)
- Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (0.1.0): Event-B EMF Inclusion Generator (Intial version)