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MyBlinker Arduino Library


Blinker library for the Arduino platform.

New: This library now supports NeoPixel LEDs.


This library allows you to perform blinking operations with LEDs. Since it also operates with NeoPixels, it depends on Adafruit_NeoPixel Library, so you must have it installed in your environment in order for it to compile.

The library provides three classes:


This class allows you to blink a LED.


This class allows you to blink a NeoPixel.


This class allows you to create a color object for the PixelBlinker class.


The Class

The LedBlinker class allows you to create an instance of the LED you want to operate. The class constructor takes two values as arguments. The first argument is the pin where the LED is connected. The second argument is optional to define the polarity of the LED. If this argument is not provided, the LED polarity will be set to common negative by default.

/* LedBlinker Instance.
 * First argument: The pin where the LED is connected.
 * Second argument: Optional argument to define the LED polarity.
   Allowed values:
LedBlinker myBlueLed(13, COMMON_POSITIVE);


/* Set the pin where the LED is connected. */
/* Set the LED polarity.
/* Turn On the LED. */
/* Turn Off the LED. */;
/* Turn On the LED for the time of "onDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myBlueLed.onUntil(onDuration, onFinished);
/* Turn Off the LED for the time of "offDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myBlueLed.offUntil(offDuration, onFinished);
/* Blink the LED.
 * The LED will be On for the time of "onDuration".
 * The LED will be Off for the time of "offDuration".
 * That blink will be repeated the number of times defined by "blinks".
 * Then a pause define by "pauseDuration".
 * That sequency will repeat as many time as defined by "sequences".
 * At the end of all sequences the "onFinished" method will be called.
 myBlueLed.blink(onDuration, offDuration, blinks, pauseDuration, sequences, onFinished);
 /* Allways call this method in the loop. */


The Class

The PixelBlinker class allows you to create an instance of the NeoPixel you want to operate. The class constructor takes three values as arguments. The first argument is the pin where the NeoPixel is connected. The second argument is the amount of NeoPixel connected together. The third argument is optional to define the type of NeoPixel.

/* PixelBlinker Instance.
 * First argument: The number of the pin where the NeoPixel is connected.
 * Second argument: The amount of NeoPixel connected together.
 * Third argument: Optional argument to define the NeoPixel type.
   Pixel types:
                NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800
                NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ400
                NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800
                NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ400
   If this argument is not provided the NeoPixel type will be set to NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800 by default.         
PixelBlinker myNeoPixel(pixelPin, pixels, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);


/* Set the pin where the NeoPixel is connected. */
/* Set the amount of Pixel connected. */
/* Set the Pixel that you want to operate. */
/* Set the color of the Pixel. The argument must be a PixelColor object. */
/* Set the Pixel brightness, 0 - 255 value. */
/* Set the Pixel brightness using percentage. */
/* Turn On the Pixel. */
/* Turn On the Pixel by it's Id. */
/* Turn Off the Pixel. */;
/* Turn Off the Pixel by it's Id. */;
/* Turn On the Pixel for the time of "onDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myNeoPixel.onUntil(onDuration, onFinished);
/* Turn On the Pixel by it's Id, for the time of "onDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myNeoPixel.onUntil(pixelId, onDuration, onFinished);
/* Turn Off the Pixel for the time of "offDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myNeoPixel.offUntil(offDuration, onFinished);
/* Turn Off the Pixel by it's Id, for the time of "onDuration" then call the "onFinished" method. */
myNeoPixel.offUntil(pixelId, offDuration, onFinished);
/* Blink the Pixel.
 * Argument "onDuration": The time that the pixel will be On in the cycle.
 * Argument "offDuration": The time that the pixel will be Off in the cycle.
 * Argument "blinks": The number of times to blink the Pixel.
 * Argument "pauseDuration": The time to wait between sequences.
 * Argument "sequences": The number of times to repeat the sequence.
 * Argument "onFinished": The function to call when finished.
 myNeoPixel.blink(onDuration, offDuration, blinks, pauseDuration, sequences, onFinished);
 /* It is always necessary to call this method in the loop. */


The Class

The PixelColor class allows you to create a color object to be use with the PixelBlinker class. You may create as many color objects as you need with your custom color values.

/* Red color object to be used by PixelBlinker */
PixelColor red(255, 0, 0);
/* Green color object to be used by PixelBlinker */
PixelColor green(0, 255, 0);
/* Blue color object to be used by PixelBlinker */
PixelColor blue(0, 0, 255);
/* Custom color object to be used by PixelBlinker */
PixelColor myCustomColor(100, 100, 255);


Normal use of this class does not require using any of these methods.

/* Returns the red value of the color. */
/* Returns the green value of the color. */
/* Returns the blue value of the color. */
/* Returns the packed value of the color in RGB format. */
/* Returns the packed value of the color in GRB format. */


MIT © Evert Arias