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Simple PHP Scheduler

Supports various types of tasks, task batches, customizable logging with any PSR-3 logger or stdout/stderr, full launch log in the database (powered by Doctrine DBAL).


Requires PHP version 7.2 or higher

$ composer require evgeek/scheduler

Basic usage

Create php file (scheduler.php for example) with scheduler setup code:


use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Evgeek\Scheduler\Scheduler;
use Evgeek\Scheduler\Handler\DatabaseLogging;

require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

//Create DBAL connector
$uri = 'mysql://user:secret@localhost/mydb';
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => $uri]);

//Create new instance of the scheduler
$handler = new DatabaseLogging($conn);
$scheduler = new Scheduler($handler);

//Create, add to scheduler and setup new task
$scheduler->task(function() {
    echo 'Hello world!';

//Run the scheduler

And add new line to crontab to run your scheduler file every minute:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/your/scheduler.php

Supported task types

All tasks are created using the $scheduler->task() method. The task type is recognized automatically.


$scheduler->task(function() {echo 'Hello world!';});

Bash command

$scheduler->task('ls -la');

Php file


Job interface

The scheduler can work with any class that implements a simple interface Evgeek\Scheduler\JobInterface (single required method dispatch() must run the task).

$scheduler->task(new Job());


You can combine several tasks of different types into a batch and manage their launch in the same way as a single task.

    $scheduler->task(function() {echo 'Hello world!';}),
    $scheduler->task('ls -la'),
    $scheduler->task(new Job())

Setting up a task

After creating a task using the task() method, you can add it to the scheduler using the schedule() method. After that, various methods of setting up the task launch become available.

Work mode methods

  • repetitive - using the every() (every X minutes) or delay() (X minutes after previous launch finished) methods.
  • interval - using the addInterval(), daysOfWeek(), daysOfMonth(), months() and years() methods. If interval mode is used with repetitive mode, the task will be launched repetitive at the specified intervals, otherwise the task will be launched once per interval.


  • Every hour
$scheduler->task(new Job())
  • Every night all night with 5 minutes delay
$scheduler->task(new Job())
    ->addInterval('00:00', '06:00')
  • Every Sunday, once from 03:00 to 04:00 and once from 15:00 to 16:00
$scheduler->task(new Job())
    ->addInterval('03:00', '04:00')
    ->addInterval('15:00', '16:00')
  • Once on 1st January and 1st December, and every Monday and Wednesday in January and December
$scheduler->task(new Job())
    ->daysOfWeek(['Mon', 'wednesday'])
  • Every minute January 1, 2022
$scheduler->task(new Job())

Setup methods

$scheduler->task(new Job())
    ->description('A very useful task')
  • name() - task name for the log.
  • description() - task description for the log.
  • preventOverlapping() (default false) - if true, the task cannot start if another instance of this task is currently running.
  • lockResetTimeout() (default 360) - how long (in minutes) the task lock should be recognized as frozen and reset.
  • tries() (default 1) - how many attempts to complete the task should be made in case of an error.
  • tryDelay() (default 0) - how long (in minutes) to wait before retrying the failed task.

Helper methods

  • getSettings() - returns array with task settings.
  • logDebug() - send a message to the debug channel immediately.
  • logError() - send a message to the error channel immediately.

Scheduler setup

You can configure scheduler with handler object implements \Evgeek\Scheduler\Handler\LockHandlerInterface and config object Evgeek\Scheduler\Config. Example:

//Creates and setup handler
$uri = 'mysql://user:secret@localhost/mydb';
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => $uri]);
$handler = new \Evgeek\Scheduler\Handler\DatabaseLogging(

//Creates and setup config
$config = new \Evgeek\Scheduler\Config(new Logger(), true);

//Creates scheduler with handler and (optional) config
$scheduler = new Scheduler($handler, $config);


Lock handler, implements \Evgeek\Scheduler\Handler\LockHandlerInterface. So far, only one is available.

  • \Evgeek\Scheduler\Handler\DatabaseLogging
    Stores locks in the database with tasks information in one table and a full launch log in another. Needs configured Doctrine DBAL object as first parameter of constructor. You can pass custom task table name to the second optional parameter, and table name to the third.


Allows you to configure other scheduling options. You can do this using Config constructor parameters (Config object is immutable). Constructor parameters are of the following types:


The scheduler has two log channels: debug for getting detailed launch information and error for task errors. Methods for configure:

  • $logger (default null) - set PSR-3 compatible logger. If passed null, log will be sent to STDOUT/STDERR.
  • $debugLog (default false) - if null/false - debug messages from the scheduler will be disabled. If true - enabled, with PSR-3 logger messages will be sent to the DEBUG level, without - to STDOUT. And you can pass custom log level (like $debugLog = Logger::INFO) to change the default PSR-3 channel.
  • $errorLog (default true) - if null/false - error messages from the scheduler and tasks will be disabled. If true - enabled, with PSR-3 logger messages will be sent to the ERROR level, without - to STDERR. And you can pass custom log level (like $debugLog = Logger::WARNING) to change the default PSR-3 channel.
  • $logUncaughtErrors (default false) - registers shutdown function for log uncaught errors such as PHP errors or incorrect task settings.
  • $logWarningsToError (default false) - ff true, PHP non-fatal errors will be sent to the error channel, otherwise - to the debug channel.
  • $logMessageFormat (default null) - formatting template for task logger. Pass null for set default formatting ("[{{task_id}}. {{TASK_TYPE}} '{{task_name}}']: {{message}}"). Available variables:
    • {{task_id}}
    • {{task_type}}
    • {{TASK_TYPE}}
    • {{task_name}}
    • {{TASK_NAME}}
    • {{message}}
    • {{MESSAGE}}
    • {{task_description}}
    • {{TASK_DESCRIPTION}} Lowercase for regular case, uppercase - for forced uppercase. Debug log message example with default formatting ( don't forgot create Config with enabled $debugLog):
/* ... */
$config = new \Evgeek\Scheduler\Config(null, true);
/* ... */
$scheduler->task('ls -la')
[0. COMMAND 'ls -la']: Checking if it's time to start
[0. COMMAND 'ls -la']: Launched (try 1/3)
[0. COMMAND 'ls -la']: Completed in 00s
  • $maxLogMsgLength (default null) - the maximum length of the log message (the longer one will be truncated) . Set null for disable truncation. Useful if some logging channel does not accept too long messages.

  • $exceptionLogMatching (default []) - for more complex exceptions handling. You can pass an array of mapping to select the logging level for a specific exception:

$exceptionLogMatching = [
    SoftException::class => Logger::NOTICE,
    FatalException::class => Logger::CRITICAL,    
    AbstractException::class => Logger::WARNING,

First, the mapping goes according to a specific class, then - according to the parents, from top to bottom. Therefore, place more abstract errors below.

  • $logExceptionFormat (default null) - formatting template for logging exceptions ({{message}} part of the $logMessageFormat parameter). Pass null for set default formatting ("{{header}}\n[code]: {{code}}\n[exception]: {{class}}\n[message]: {{message}}\n[stacktrace]:\n{{stacktrace}}"). Available variables:

    • {{header}} - accompanying message
    • {{code}} - $e->getCode()
    • {{class}} - class of exception
    • {{message}}
    • {{stacktrace}}
  • $maxExceptionMsgLength (default null) - the maximum length of the exception message (the longer one will be truncated) . Set null for disable truncation. Useful with $maxLogMsgLength if your exceptions messages are too long, and you don't want to truncate the stacktrace.

  • $commandOutput (default false) - enable/disable shell output for bash command tasks.

Default task options

Some options for setting default task options. The parameters specified in the task overwrite the default values.

  • $defaultPreventOverlapping (default false) - if true, the task cannot start if another instance of this task is currently running.
  • $defaultLockResetTimeout (default 360) - how long (in minutes) the task lock should be recognized as frozen and reset.
  • $defaultTries (default 1) - how many attempts to complete the task should be made in case of an error.
  • $defaultTryDelay (default 0) - how long (in minutes) to wait before retrying the failed task.


  • $restartAfterFail (default false) - If true, the failed task will be restarted without delay for Every/Delay modes, and at the same interval for Single mode (but only at the correct interval).
  • $minimumIntervalLength (default 30) - Minimum interval size in minutes (for task method addInterval()). Currently, tasks are started sequentially and synchronously, so the scheduler cannot guarantee the exact time when the task will start. Because of this, I had to limit the minimum size of the interval to make sure that the task will not be missed because the interval is too small. This is not a good decision. In future updates, task launching will be implemented asynchronously, and the interval limitation will be removed.

Future plans

  • Asynchronous task launch.
  • Tests.
  • More lock handlers, first - file lock handler as default behavior.
  • More scheduling options, including launch at exact time.
  • Managing the scheduler using console commands - list of task, force start all or specific task etc.