Simple tensorflow classification example codes. Works on small image datasets.
Supporting network achitectures includes standard networks under tensorflow.contrib.slim.nets
TFRecords: data are pre-processed into TFRecords format
- create TFRecords data file from raw images
example data: logo apperance binary classification training dataset: around 800 images validation dataset: around 200 images
- train a VGG network by default
- restore checkpoint and test network on validation dataset
- train and do validation periodically.
Picpac: data are pre-processed into picpac format
Keep a training log by specify --log_dir
before starting While training, visualise learning on TensorBoard by command
$ tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log-directory
Networks can be trained on GPU with tensorflow installed, or in a docker container on CPU. To build this docker image, use Dockerfile provided in tensorflow-docker repository.
$ docker build -f /path/to/a/Dockerfile .