This library is under active development. Currently, only the CEC-2017 edition is complete. If you want to use slightly better (i.e., without memory leaks) implementations of other editions than those proposed by the competition organizers, go to branch legacy-c.
cecxx is an implementation of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) benchmarks in C++23.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <print>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
#include <cecxx/benchmark/evaluator.hpp>
#include <cecxx/mdspan.hpp>
namespace rn = std::ranges;
namespace rv = std::ranges::views;
using namespace cecxx::benchmark;
auto main() -> int {
try {
const auto dimensions = std::vector{10uz, 30uz, 50uz, 100uz};
// Create an evaluator object for the CEC2017 benchmark
auto cec_2017 = evaluator(cec_edition_t::cec2017, dimensions);
// Create problem grid [problem_number X dimension]
const auto problem_grid = rv::cartesian_product(dimensions, rv::iota(1, 30));
// Evaluate given input on each optimization problem from CEC2017/D{10, 30, 50, 100}
for (const auto &[dim, fn] : problem_grid) {
// Prepare input i.e. rank-2 matrix with size [dim x 2] (row-major)
const auto input = rv::repeat(0.0) | rv::take(2 * dim) | rn::to<std::vector<double>>();
const auto mat = cecxx::mdspan{input.data(), dim, 2};
const auto output = cec_2017(fn, mat);
std::println("dim = {}, fn = {}, output[0] = {}, output[1] = {}", dim, fn, output[0], output[1]);
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::println("Failed: {}", e.what());
The full documentation is under development.