Configure and use gatling-sbt plugin to run Gatling simulations.
This project uses SBT 1, which is available here.
git clone $dir && cd $dir
$ sbt
> gatling:test
> gatling:testOnly computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
Note: in command line it's
$ sbt "gatling:testOnly computerdatabase.BasicSimulation"
> tasks -v gatling
In a few words: to run 3.0.x-SNAPSHOT, now it can only do RELEASE, which makes it redundant.
In November 2017 I wanted to ensure my scenarios were compatible with Gatling 3 API which was to appear in 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Additionally I got used to developing and running scenarios with IDEA and for that I'd used maven-plugin-demo per Gatling instruction. Without success I had tried to modify pom.xml to add Sonatype OSS repo.
Probably at the same time I'd found gatling-sbt-plugin-demo and found it malleable (commit a5df8be) to IDE-centered development support. It turned out it was easy to convince SBT to use 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT too, and in Nov. 28 this repo was published and announced.
Unfortunately it went unnoticed until 2018.01.02 that since Nov. 17, 2017 io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-charts-highcharts was not updating. I've re-targeted build.sbt to depend on 3.0.1 release and may reconsider SNAPSHOT later.