Attempt to make a centroid vetting function graphically similar to the one used in the DV reports of TCE's produced by the TESS Science Processing Pipeline.
This centroid presentation allows to identify the source of the dips in a lightcurve, and discard eventual false positives, but was limited to targets with Threshold Crossing Events (TCE).
Since version 1.2.0, a package is available at PyPi.
So, the simplest way of installing TESS-Centroid_Vetting is using pip:
pip install tesscentroidvetting
- numpy
- matplotlib
- astropy
- astroquery
- scipy
- lightkurve
- ipywidgets - only needed if interact=True in show_transit_margins()
See the notebooks in Examples directory for usage.
Sam Lee ( for implementing star's proper motion correction and transit margins display function, advising and testing.
mkunimoto ( for writing TESS-Plots, whose code was used for the PRF centroid calculation.
Last but not least, Nora Eisner for Planet Hunters Coffee Chat series, introducing python for exoplanet detection (the difference image calculation was first borrowed from there), and for Planet Hunters TESS citizen project, whose community forum is an invaluable source of knowledge and place to exchange views between amateurs and experts.
Rafael Rodrigues, Sam Lee