A collection of programs that I found to be very worthy to be selected "Most Complicated way to print Hello World"
The end goal is for the program to print some form of Hello World
either without !
, different cases, and/or with/without the ,
. The program must print to STDOUT, and can be a random thing where hello world
can appear some times.
Contribution is always appreciated as there is never truly a real complicated way to prevent Hello World!
Most popular languages are in their own folders, and have different forms and a number assigned. However, this does not mean Form1
is better than Form2
, etc..
On the other hand, for esoteric languages, they will be in a separate folder, and divided by language name as eso-langs are already not really for humans. This folder will also include machine-languages (Assembly, etc.) It should also be noted that I cannot add comments easily or notes easily for where you can find the original source, but they should be mostly around eso-lang wikis or on Tio.run
For file types that do not fit any type of the general categories, they will be put into the category of others, with each having its own degsinated folder.
- Much of these code are not mine and so they will be credited to the original poster (if avaliable).
- The file names will not correlate with in file items and must be readjusted manually if you want to see it in action yourself
- Sometimes, the original posster will not want their code disclosed (for some reason, such as a license they imposed).
Tio.run TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages. Click Here