A Bash client and cli for interacting with the Coda.
- Bash 4+
- Coda API Key from Coda API Key Page.
Run it via nix run
nix run github:expelledboy/coda-sh#coda-cli
Install via nix:
nix profile install github:expelledboy/coda-sh#coda-cli
Or as package via flake overlay:
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# 1. Add flake input
inputs.coda-sh.url = "github:expelledboy/coda-sh";
inputs.coda-sh.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.coda-sh.inputs.flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils";
# 2. Reference flake argument
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, coda-sh }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [
# 3. Add overlay
in {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
# 4. Add package
$ coda
Usage: coda [OPTIONS] <command> [sub-command] [args]
Commands and Sub-Commands:
list List all documents
info <doc_id> Get information about a specific document
create <title> Create a new document with a given title
delete <doc_id> Delete a document by its ID
update <doc_id> <new_title> Update a document's title
list <doc_id> List all tables in a document
info <doc_id> <table_id> Get information about a specific table
get <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id> Get information about a specific row
update <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id> <json_data> Update a row with JSON data
insert <doc_id> <table_id> <rows_json|csv> Insert rows (JSON or CSV format)
upsert <doc_id> <table_id> <rows_json|csv> Upsert rows (JSON or CSV format)
delete <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id> Delete a specific row by its ID
list <doc_id> List all pages in a document
info <doc_id> <page_id> Get information about a specific page
list <doc_id> List all permissions for a document
add <doc_id> <email> <access> Add permission for a user by email with access level
remove <doc_id> <perm_id> Remove a permission by its ID
list List all categories
-f, --format <json|csv> Set output format (default: json)
-i, --input-format <json|csv> Set input format (default: json for data input commands like insert/upsert rows)
-h, --help Show this help message
coda docs list # List all documents
coda docs create "My New Document" # Create a new document
cd ~/src/project
git clone git@github.com:expelledboy/coda-sh.git vendor/coda-sh
cat <<EOF > ./main.sh
export CODA_API_KEY="your-coda-api-key"
source vendor/coda-sh/src/libexec/coda_client.sh
# Your code here
list_docs | jq -r '.items[] | .id + " " + .name'
chmod +x ./main.sh
: List all documents.create_doc <title>
: Create a new document.get_doc_info <doc_id>
: Get info for a specific document.delete_doc <doc_id>
: Delete a document.update_doc <doc_id> <new_title>
: Update a document's title.
list_tables <doc_id>
: List tables in a document.get_table_info <doc_id> <table_id>
: Get info for a specific table.insert_rows <doc_id> <table_id> <json_data>
: Insert rows into a table.delete_rows <doc_id> <table_id> <row_ids>
: Delete rows from a table.push_button <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id> <button_id>
: Push a button on a row.
get_row <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id>
: Get info for a specific row.update_row <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id> <json_data>
: Update a specific row.delete_row <doc_id> <table_id> <row_id>
: Delete a specific row.
list_pages <doc_id>
: List pages in a document.get_page_info <doc_id> <page_id>
: Get info for a specific page.begin_content_export <doc_id> <page_id> <format>
: Export page content.update_page <doc_id> <page_id> <new_name>
: Update a page's name.delete_page <doc_id> <page_id>
: Delete a specific page.
list_permissions <doc_id>
: List permissions for a document.add_permission <doc_id> <email> <access_level>
: Add a permission to a document.remove_permission <doc_id> <permission_id>
: Remove a permission from a document.
: List categories.