- A collection of Expo DevTools Plugins.
- The repository here is a Proof-Of-Concept for Expo DevTools Plugins and showing the migration effort for moving Flipper Plugins to Expo DevTools Plugins.
: Plugin for Apollo Client- Credit: Most code is forked from react-query-apollo-devtools
: Plugin for TanStack Query- Credit: Most code is forked from react-query-native-devtools
: Plugin for React Navigation- Credit: Most code is forked from @react-navigation/devtools and the Flipper plugin frontend
: Plugin for @react-native-async-storage/async-storage- Credit: Originally contributed by jthoward64
: Plugin for react-native-mmkv- Credit: Originally contributed by cyrilbo
: Plugin for redux- Credit: Originally contributed by dannyBies
: A plugin for redux with the full Redux DevTools (from the Chrome extension)- Credit: Matt Oakes and based Redux DevTools
: Plugin for debugging expo-file-system operations- Credit: Dmytro Kulahin
Due to the current bandwidth limitations of our team, we are unable to accept new plugin pull requests in this repository. We recommend developers to create and maintain their plugins in their own npm accounts.
However, we understand the value of community contributions and would love to showcase your work. This repository serves as a gallery for awesome plugins. If you have created a plugin and would like to share it with the community, you are welcome to submit a pull request to introduce your plugin in this README.
When submitting a pull request, please include the following:
- Name of the plugin
- Brief description of what the plugin does
- Link to the plugin's repository
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your contributions!
The example app is an Expo Router app that provides test cases for plugins
- Expo Router is based on React Navigation, so you can just test
from visiting different screens from the app. Apollo Client
: Apollo Client example forked from https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/get-started/React Query
: React Query example forked from https://github.com/TanStack/query/tree/5b9be1e299257e32c4c294796711f5d82f968530/examples/react/react-nativeReact Query Time
: React Query example forked from https://github.com/bgaleotti/react-query-native-devtools/tree/799efff17b08e9793ab27d5a93457c5d5510233c/apps/Time
$ git clone https://github.com/expo/dev-plugins.git
$ cd dev-plugins
$ cd apps/example
$ bun run ios
$ bun run android