ParkingFriends allows a group of people to share private parking places planning absences and registering usage. The Owner of a parking place get paid when a Friend uses his places. Owners announcing absence dates in advance are the first in the list when searching for free parking places in a location.
With this process you can run your own instance of parkingfriends for free (thanks openshift)
Create an account at and follow the Getting Started guide to install the OpenShift command line tools.
Create a JBoss Tomcat7 platform:
rhc app create parkingfriends jbossews-2.0
- Add this upstream repo:
cd parkingfriends
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
- Push the repo upstream:
git push
- That's it, you can now browse to your application at:
Configure yeoman (
sudo npm install -g yo
sudo npm install
mvn jetty:run (launch server) grunt server (launch client dev environment)
- http://localhost:8080/ --> Load webpages from Tomcat
- http://localhost:9000/ --> Load webpages from grunt
- All calls to http://localhost:9000/app/ are redirected by grunt to http://localhost:8080/app/
License of this application is GPL v3 (see LICENSE.txt)
Thanks to jhipster for their great app generator.
sudo npm install -g generator-jhipster