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Developer box for Zabbix.

Getting Started

Clone this repository and cd:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd zabbix-box

Creating Vagrant Box

Copy example pillar file for Zabbix and NGINX. Optionally you may want to edit the values in the pillar files:

$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/zabbix.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/zabbix.sls
$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/nginx.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/nginx.sls
$ cp -v salt/roots/pillar/zabbix-agent.sls.example salt/roots/pillar/zabbix-agent.sls

Copy vagrant file from vagrant/examples/ and then create the vagrant box (you can change to --provider=libvirt if you want to use Libvirt provider):

$ cp -v vagrant/examples/Vagrantfile.zabbix-box.fedora-33.x86_64.example vagrant/Vagrantfile.zabbix-box
$ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

Provision the vagrant box:

$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.highstate

Deploy Zabbix Server, Web, Agent, and Postgres containers:

$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls zabbix.config
$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls zabbix.service.postgres
$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls zabbix.service.server
$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls zabbix_agent

Configure and deploy NGINX for HTTPS:

$ vagrant ssh zabbix-box -- sudo salt-call state.sls zabbix.config.nginx,nginx.service

To access Zabbix web, go to https://zabbix-box. Use the following default username and password:

  • Username: Admin
  • Password: zabbix

Configure Global Macros

Go to Administration > General > Macros, add the following macros:

Macro Value
{$ZABBIX.URL} https://zabbix-box

Slack Notifications

Visit and then create an app, for example named myzabbix-bot, with the following Bot Token Scopes:

  • chat:write

On your Slack workspace, create a Slack channel for the Zabbix notification, for example #zabbix. Then, on your channel's More options select Add apps and add your bot myzabbix-bot into your channel.

On your zabbix-box web-page, go to Administration > Media types > Slack and do the followings:

  1. Set bot_token value using your apps OAuth Access Token ("xoxb-...").
  2. Set slack_mode value to event because Zabbix seems unable to reply to a message.
  3. To fix duplicated notifications due to Slack notification failed : invalid_auth, go to Options and set Attempts to 1.

To test Slack Notification, use the following values (replace #zabbix with your Slack channel):

  • channel: #zabbix
  • event_id: 1
  • event_nseverity: 1
  • event_source: 0
  • event_update_status: 0
  • event_value: 1
  • trigger_id: 1
  • zabbix_url: https://zabbix-box

You may want to read the Zabbix Slack integration official documentations at

Enabling Notications

Make sure disable all unused Media types except Slack if you use Slack for notifications.

Enable Media for Admin user. Go to Administration > Users > Admin choose Media and add the following media (replace #zabbix with your Slack channel):

  • Type: Slack
  • Send to: #zabbix
  • When active: 1-7,00:00-24:00
  • Use if severity:
    • Not classified
    • Information
    • Warning
    • Average
    • High
    • Disaster
  • Enabled: True

Enable Actions. Go to Configuration > Actions > Trigger actions, enable Report problems to Zabbix administrators.

Creating Vagrant box for Agent, for testing purpose

Deploy zabbix-agent-box from extra2000/zabbix-agent-box.

Go to https://zabbix-box/hosts.php?form=create:

  • Under tab Host:
    • Host name: zabbix-agent-box
    • Groups: Linux servers
    • Interfaces:
      • Type: Agent
      • DNS Name: zabbix-agent-box
      • Connect to: DNS
      • Port: 10050
  • Under tab Templates:
    • Add Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent active, can be found in host group Templates/Operating systems.

Allow Guests to view graphs and screens

  1. Go to Administration > User groups and select Guests.
  2. Go to Permissions tab and add a Host Group for example Linux servers with permission Read.
  3. Click Add and then click Update.