ezplatform v3.2.0-rc1 change log
Corresponding eZ Platform Enterprise Edition release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform-ee/releases/tag/v3.2.0-rc1
Changes since 3.2.0-beta1
ez-support-tools changes between v2.2.0-beta1 and v2.2.0-rc1
ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.2.0-beta1 and v2.2.0-rc1
- EZP-31963: Add hover over effect for Create button on the Dashboard (#1567)
- EZP-31801: As an Editor, I want to be able to copy the content type (#1449)
- EZP-31849: Content Edit screen - Improve design to display validation errors (#1572)
- EZP-31797: As a user I want to see new icons (#1577)
- EZP-31784: Autosave (#1578)
- EZP-32002: Move system information UI to be a part of ez-support-tools (#1569)
- EZP-31094: Introduce strict types for SearchService (#1584)
- EZP-32008: New pagination for tables (#1581)
- EZP-32005: Add icon for each content item in the Content Tree (#1585)
- EZP-31961: My Content > Draft tab - Table header missing when the table is empty (#1586)
- EZP-31957: 'More' tab is visible while having no items (#1566)
- EZP-31992: Links are not visible on notifications (#1570)
- EZP-31994: Secondary buttons should be gray (#1565)
- EZEE-3296: Site factory redesign - issues (#1571)
- EZP-31924: Bookmarks barely fit in the left side menu (#1574)
- EZP-31886: Fieldtypes in content type create are not styled (#1576)
- EZP-32021: Buttons in sidebar should be red on hover (#1575)
- EZP-32012: Search page has not properly aligned elements. (#1580)
- EZP-31969: UDW - Content on the Fly - I cannot scroll all the way down to see the entire list (#1582)
ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.2.0-beta1 and v1.2.0-rc1
- EZP-31773: Remember fails with multiple user providers (#91)
- EZP-31741: EZP-31701 breaks $searchService->supports (#113)
ezplatform-rest changes between v1.2.0-beta1 and v1.2.0-rc1
ezplatform-richtext changes between v2.2.0-beta1 and v2.2.0-rc1
- EZP-31231: Alignment and anchor attributes are not saved in Rich Text custom style (#166)
- EZP-31853: Inline custom tags cannot be edited in RTE (#167)
ezplatform-solr-search-engine changes between v3.2.0-beta1 and v3.2.0-rc1
- EZP-32001: Search engine indexing fails when empty Obejct State Group is present (#195)
- EZP-31741: EZP-31701 breaks $searchService->supports (#193)