Hi there, I'm lajoc_devs 👋
I am a frontend developer who is passionate about creating clean and responsive user interfaces. I have experience with HTML, CSS, and currently learning JavaScript, and I'm always looking to learn more about web development.
Tailwind CSS
Technical Writing
Here are some of the projects I have worked on:
Myra Landing Page: A responsive website to search for work, built using HTML, CSS, CSS Animation,JS & bootstrap and I also tried out embedding a site.
Cocokitchen: A Simple website with nav bar & hamburger menu, login page and forget password that generates OTP, built using Semantic HTML5 markup, Flexbox, JavaScript, Media query.
I am currently working on improving my skills in:
CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS
Responsive design principles
Git Version Control
Technical Writing
linkedIn: Bolaji Funmilola
Twitter : lajoc__
Instagram - lajoc_devs
Email: Bolaji Funmilola
Medium: Funmi Lajoc
I attach readMe file to my projects talking about my processes, troubles, solutions and resources that I find helpful.
If you have any suggestions or improvements for any of my projects, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.
Thanks for checking out my profile!
Vielen Dank 🤗