This project aims to show the date when a customer reaches the maximum debt. Users can select a specific customer to track that customer's debt status.
- Customer definitions and invoice information are stored in the database.
- When a user selects a customer, they can see the date when that customer reached the maximum debt.
- Invoices can be issued on different dates, and customers can pay these invoices whenever they want.
- Spring Boot
- Docker
- PostgreSQL
- Spring Data JPA
- Thymeleaf
Column Name | Column Type | Length | Description |
id | NUMERIC | 10 | Customer ID (PRIMARY) |
unvan | CHAR | 255 | Customer title |
Column Name | Column Type | Length | Description |
id | NUMERIC | 10 | Invoice ID (PRIMARY) |
musteri_id | NUMERIC | 10 | Customer ID |
fatura_tarihi | DATE | Date the invoice was issued to the customer | |
fatura_tutari | NUMERIC | 18,2 | Amount of the invoice issued to the customer |
odeme_tarihi | DATE | Date the customer paid the invoice |
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Install Java, Spring Boot, and Docker.
- Update the database connection settings in the
file or continue using the default entries. - Start the PostgreSQL Docker:
docker-compose up -d
- Import the local database dump into the Docker container. This step involves importing the dump of the database from the PostgreSQL inside the Docker container used while creating the application.
docker cp /your/file/path/musteri-bakiye-seyri/musteri_db_backup.dump musteri-bakiye-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
- Enter the Docker container:
docker exec -it musteri-bakiye-db bash
- Use the following command to load the database (replace the
part with your PostgreSQL username; the default username is set asyourusername
):pg_restore -U yourusername -d musteri_db /var/lib/postgresql/data/musteri_db_backup.dump
- While in the project directory, load dependencies with Maven:
mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run
- Access the application by navigating to the following address in your browser:
To perform operations on the PostgreSQL database within the Docker container, follow these steps:
Access the PostgreSQL command line interface:
docker exec -it musteri-bakiye-db psql -U yourusername -d musteri_db
To view the tables in the database, use the following command:
Example output:
List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+----------------------+-------+-------------- public | fatura | table | yourusername public | musteri | table | yourusername public | musteri_fatura_table | table | yourusername public | musteri_tanim_table | table | yourusername
To see all records in the
, execute:SELECT * FROM musteri_tanim_table;
To see all records in the
, execute:SELECT * FROM musteri_fatura_table;
You can execute queries to test the Spring Data JPA operations implemented in Java. Here’s an example query to calculate the maximum debt date for each customer:
WITH FaturaData AS ( SELECT musteri_id, fatura_tarihi AS tarih, fatura_tutari AS tutar, 1 AS is_fatura FROM musteri_fatura_table UNION ALL SELECT musteri_id, odeme_tarihi AS tarih, -fatura_tutari AS tutar, 0 AS is_fatura FROM musteri_fatura_table WHERE odeme_tarihi IS NOT NULL ), BorcluTarihleri AS ( SELECT musteri_id, tarih, SUM(tutar) OVER (PARTITION BY musteri_id ORDER BY tarih) AS toplam_borc FROM FaturaData ), MaxBorcluTarihleri AS ( SELECT musteri_id, tarih AS max_borc_tarihi, toplam_borc, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY musteri_id ORDER BY toplam_borc DESC) AS rn FROM BorcluTarihleri WHERE toplam_borc = ( SELECT MAX(toplam_borc) FROM BorcluTarihleri AS sub WHERE sub.musteri_id = BorcluTarihleri.musteri_id ) ) SELECT m.musteri_id, t.unvan, max_borc_tarihi, toplam_borc AS max_toplam_borc FROM MaxBorcluTarihleri m JOIN musteri_tanim_table t ON m.musteri_id = WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY m.musteri_id;
Example Output:
musteri_id | unvan | max_borc_tarihi | max_toplam_borc ------------+-----------------------+---------------------+----------------- 127098 | Nano Bilgi Sistemleri | 2021-04-30 00:00:00 | 1086700.69 127269 | Veri Bilisim LTD | 2021-12-24 00:00:00 | 46716 127747 | Asya Halicilik AS | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 | 6873915.13 129914 | Expert Gümrükleme | 2022-01-07 00:00:00 | 43260 (4 rows)