b1611a1 .github workflow step 1
883216a Add functional scope (fr)
92f0025 Create LICENSE
1fa4888 First building blocks of command line tool
3d7f83d Functional scope
2626eff Fundational building blocks of the API test
fc946cb GET /driver_journeys assertions (#9 )
3a79441 Generate types and clients with oapi-codegen
cb2a701 Initial commit
7bc2c7e Merge branch 'ci' into 'main'
fe75405 Merge branch 'cli' into 'main'
3243dc6 Merge branch 'go-generate' into 'main'
880c258 Merge branch 'new_check_1' into 'main'
47b01ea Merge branch 'server' into 'main'
8349f25 Merge branch 'status_check' into 'main'
2cae74b Merge pull request #1 from fabmob/githubci
54f2ea7 Merge pull request #3 from fabmob/readme
c92aef7 Minimal README
49c6867 New print (#10 )
8a941c0 Remove gitlab-ci.yml
63f64bd Test server with stdcov-cli (#4 )
e6cf6f3 Update README (#49 )
3749d69 Update
e37a013 [feat] First check: Check that status endpoint returns 200 error code
a6bb31b chore: Remove binary after release (#50 )
a920abc doc: add roadmap to README
2e948f7 doc: package documentations (#43 )
d42e91f doc: update readme with latest functionalities (#16 )
9ea1ff9 feat(bookings): implement (mock) command for GET /bookings/{bookingID} (#17 )
38f569d feat: Add request information to verbose output (#47 )
3258d73 feat: Create minimal server that passes tests
5b75edb feat: GET, PATCH and POST /bookings implementations (#35 )
1180e04 feat: Generate test data and test commands from golang tests (#40 )
03fdfd7 feat: Implement POST /booking_events (#36 )
2cd1b0a feat: Implement POST /messages (#38 )
27af897 feat: Read fake data from file (#6 )
499ff77 feat: Server GET /passenger_journeys implementation (#13 )
d49ef42 feat: add support for remaining endpoints (#23 )
f3b9c37 feat: all assertions work with PassengerJourneys (#12 )
e4c59c8 feat: generated example test commands for GET /driver_journeys and GET /passenger_journeys (#51 )
eb829ba feat: implementation of regular trips (#52 )
0cf7a0e feat: improved user CLI (#14 )
fa03eca feat: releasing with goreleaser (#32 )
309b253 feat: support authentication with X-API-Key header (#30 )
e7da535 feat: test structure for POST /bookings endpoints (#21 )
d7c24ca feat: tests are executed for a given request passed by the user through the command-line (#8 )
d26f4eb feat: working tests for GET /bookings/{bookingId} (#19 )
e6081a4 fix missing server param (#15 )
0a6165c fix: $default-branch not interpreted
85d6e0f fix: CI checks that the server is up before running the tests (#37 )
563362d fix: Pass server information to kin-openapi format validation (#29 )
be54d7b fix: Upgrade oapi-codegen version
883198c fix: count parameter is was not handled properly (#27 )
eb4ccb0 fix: dev release (#48 )
fbe8a52 fix: response validation with kin-openapi (#5 )
13f7a95 go vet
f79bbf1 gofmt
3531ed8 golint
751c1fb refactor: db
module for dealing with data operations (#41 )
04c07b3 refactor: clear interface for endpoint and server manipulation (#42 )
e46785e refactor: create subpackage assert of package test (#45 )
0b45263 refactor: heavily factorizing cli commands (#46 )
29f62e9 refactor: renaming files and clean up of package api (#44 )
a88e89b refactor: simplify initAPIMapping() to init()
0ff3a52 refactoring: endpoint dependant implementations in their own file (#11 )
3729d31 staticcheck
e4a1231 🔵 remove print
You can’t perform that action at this time.