#Project Fear π€―
Gigi π
Collete π
Victor π
Andy π
- Front-end(Vanilla.js, CSS, HTML)
- Back-end(Node.js)
- Git & GitHub
- Testing (Nock, Tape, Supertest)
- Continous Integration with Travis
- Deployment with Heroku
- Rates API
$ git clone git@github.com:fac-17/week-5-dgjm.git
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm test
for tests$ npm run lint
for lint warnings/errors
- Display live information on the Pound vs other currencies π°
Allow users to watch the UK economy crash in real time.. or not #projectfear π±
- Display a random gif of Boris Johnson looking like a fool π€‘
- Dislay live departures from Heathrow Airport to more exotic peaceful lands π΄
Set up a node server
Have a router and a handler
Serve a basic home page (html, css, vanilla JS)
Handle user input which triggers a requestour server
Test routes
Use CI
Deploy app
Display build staus on README
Write API call
Integrate API call to the back-end
Successfully get response from API call
Create stream receiving API call response
Filter API call results to display on site
Install supertest
Create fake server calls on supertest
Create dropdown menu in html
Integrate return data to html (DOM)
Style html output in css
Create countdown to deportation
Integrate countdown to front-end
(stretch) Add input form validation to the back-end
(stretch) Create random gif selector
(stretch) Integrate random gif to the bck-end
- Making the backend and frontend communicate with each other (at first)
- Improving on the api function we looked at this week
- npm issues - one computer reverting to old version of npm caused bugs
- Our site breaking unexpectedly at the end of the day
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const myRequest = (url, cb) => {
const protocol = url.includes("https") ? https : http;
.get(url, response => {
// code....
.on("error", err => cb(err));
function updateCountdown() {
var deadline = new Date("oct 31, 2019, 23:00:00").getTime();
var now = new Date().getTime();
var t = deadline - now;
var days = Math.floor(t / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var hours = Math.floor((t % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
var minutes = Math.floor((t % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((t % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
document.getElementById("countdown-time").innerText =
`${days} days ${hours} hours ${minutes} minutes ${seconds} seconds`;
var oldExchangeRates = {
EUR: "1.44",
USD: "1.56",
JPY: "192.71",
// etc
function oldRates(input) {
let input2 = input;
document.getElementById("old-rate").innerText =
"On 21st July 2015, 1 GBP was " +
oldExchangeRates[input2] + " " + input2 + ".";
test("home route should return status code 200", t => {
.expect("Content-type", /html/)
.end((err, res) => {
t.equal(res.statusCode, 200, "should return 200");
test("404 route", t => {
.end((err, res) => {
`<h1>404 page not found</h1>`,
"Should return 404 page not found"
- We weren't able to use input validation to the back-end with our site design.
- Didn't have time to finish our stretch goals.
- Provide exchange rate variation percentages since 2015.
- Will we get a red, white and blue Brexit?
(We didn't actually ask π)