This SDK is designed to integrate IP cameras with the Faceter cloud video surveillance service. The library allows you to implement plug&play connection of cameras to the cloud and mobile applications, management of basic settings, transfer of AI detections and some service functions necessary for customer support
Device App is an application on the camera that implements the connection between the Faceter CloudCam SDK and the camera platform
Platform SDK is a camera manufacturer’s platform, it can be the original SDK from the chip manufacturer (SigmaStar, Ingenic, Goke, etc.), or the vendor’s middleware platform built on top of them
Faceter CloudCam SDK – modules that implement interaction with the cloud and Faceter applications. The SDK requires a local RTSP stream, which is transmitted to the Faceter cloud using RTSP-push technology
An example of code with stubs describing intergation process is shown in integration_sample.c
- Initialize library with FaceterClientInit
- Implement registration in Faceter cloud through QR code scanning and WS-Discovery
- Implement additional methods for controlling the camera via the cloud: turning the microphone on/off, rotating the image, ...
- Implement transmission of all detections supported by the camera
- Implement service functions:
- Jpeg snapshot
- Registration reset
- Serial number
- LED indication
- OTA firmware update
First step of integration process is library initialization
const char* serialNumber = GetSerialNumber();
ClientSettings settings = {
.cameraModel = "MyModel",
.cameraVendor = "Vision",
.appVersion = "1.0.0",
.firmwareVersion = "Camera_1.0.3",
.hardwareId = "t31_gc2053",
.certFilePath = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
.confFilePath = "/etc/faceter-camera.conf",
.rtspMainUrl = "rtsp://",
.rtspCredentials = "root:12345",
.featuresFilePath = "/etc/camera_features.json"
strcpy(settings.serialNumber, serialNumber);
//library initialization
if (FaceterClientInit(ControlHandler, settings) < 0) {
return 0;
FaceterClientInit accepts 2 parameters:
- ControlFunction - callback from library with control code and parameters
- settings - ClientSettings for library initalization
Returns 0 on success and -1 if some error value occurs
- cameraModel - camera model name ("MyModel")
- cameraVendor - device manufacturer ("Vision")
- serialNumber - unique stable camera serial number
- appVersion - version of the applcation using library ("1.0.0")
- firmwareVersion - camera firmware version ("Camera_1.0.3")
- hardwareId - information about hardware, such as processor and sensor ("t31_gc2053")
- certFilePath - path to the SSL certificate file, used in HTTPS connections ("/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt")
- confFilePath - path to the file in the writable location where library will store it's state ("/etc/faceter-camera.conf")
- rtspMainUrl - main stream RTSP url without credentials ("rtsp://") Library currently supports only video codec H264 and audio codec AAC
- rtspSubUrl - second RTSP stream, could be empty
- rtspCredentials - user name and password for acessing RTSP stream ("root:12345")
- featuresFilePath - path to the json file with all camera features decription
WiFi cameras require QR scanner. Also connection to WiFi network with ssid and password should be implemented. Registration process in this case consists of 3 steps:
Library sends operation code ControlCodeStartScanQr to start QR scanner
case ControlCodeStartScanQr: { //start QR code scanning QrScannerStart(); break; }
Show QR code in Faceter application to the camera
When QR code is scanned with QR scanner - call
with qr code value stringvoid OnQrScannerScanSuccess(char* qrCode) { //pass scanned string to Faceter library FaceterClientOnQrScanned(qrCode); }
If QR code is correct, code ControlCodeStopScanQr will be sent to stop QR scanner
case ControlCodeStopScanQr: { //stop QR code scanning QrScannerStop(); break; }
Library will sent ControlCodeSetupWifi with param WifiConfig* to setup WiFi network
... case ControlCodeSetupWifi: { //setup wifi with ssid and password WifiConfig* config = (WifiConfig*)param; WifiSetup(config->network, config->password); break; } ... /* * Implement wifi setup for wireless cameras */ void WifiSetup(const char* networkSsid, const char* password) { }
If camera obtains internet access, registration will be finished. Otherwise process will be repeted from step 1
Faceter application can send commands to control camera parameters, such as wifi params. Library will send control code ControlCodeSetupWiifi
//control handler fragment
case ControlCodeSetupWifi: {
WifiConfig* config = (WifiConfig*)param;
WifiSetup(config->network, config->password);
After operation completes application must return StatusCodeOk if operation succeed or other on fail. If operation not supported statusCode MUST be set to StatusCodeNotSupported. if operation not implemented yet use StatusCodeNotImplemented. For example if camera not supports audio playback, it will return status without processing operation
case ControlCodePlayAudio: {
//play audio PCM buffer
BufferParam* audioBuffer = (BufferParam*)param;
statusCode = StatusCodeNotSupported;
If camera can play audio - status code will be StatusCodeOk
case ControlCodePlayAudio: {
//play audio PCM buffer
BufferParam* audioBuffer = (BufferParam*)param;
statusCode = StatusCodeOk;
All available camera settings (fields and limits) described in features json file, passed in initialization step. SDK controls current settings with get/set codes in control function and params with corresponding types. List of settings codes
For example, microphone settings
case ControlCodeMicrophoneGet: {
SettingMicrophone* microphone = (SettingMicrophone*)param;
microphone->enable = true;
microphone->sensitivity = 45;
case ControlCodeMicrophoneSet: {
SettingMicrophone* microphone = (SettingMicrophone*)param;
//set microphone param
SetMicrophoneSetting(microphone->enable, microphone->sensitivity);
if setting not supported status code StatusCodeNotSupported must be returned.
Motion detection areas can be one of three types: matrix, rects or polygons. Setting description will vary depending on type
case ControlCodeHumanDetectionSet: {
SettingHumanDetection* humanDetection = (SettingHumanDetection*)param;
//set human detection params
if (humanDetection->area.rectsCount > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < humanDetection->area.rectsCount; i++) {
SettingAreaRect rect = humanDetection->area.rects[i];
//rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h;
} else if (humanDetection->area.matrixCellsCount > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < humanDetection->area.matrixCellsCount; i++) {
SettingAreaMatrixCell cell = humanDetection->area.matrix[i];
} else if (humanDetection->area.polygonsCount > 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < humanDetection->area.polygonsCount; i++) {
SettingAreaPolygon polygon = humanDetection->area.polygons[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < polygon.pointsCount; j++) {
SettingAreaPolygonPoint point = polygon.points[j];
//point.x, point.y;
When Motion Detector on camera detects motions events, they should be passed to library with FaceterClientOnVideoEvent
typedef enum VideoEventType
} VideoEventType;
typedef enum ObjectType
} ObjectType;
typedef struct DetectionGrid
int rowsCount;
int colsCount;
int cellsCount;
uint32_t *cells;
} DetectionGrid;
void FaceterClientOnVideoEventStart(int64_t eventTimestampSec, VideoEventType eventType, ObjectType objectType,
DetectionAttribute *attributesList, DetectionGrid detectionGrid,
char* snapshotImage, long int snapshotBytesCount);
void FaceterClientOnVideoEventUpdate(int64_t eventTimestampSec, VideoEventType eventType, ObjectType objectType,
DetectionGrid detectionGrid);
void FaceterClientOnVideoEventEnd(int64_t eventTimestampSec, VideoEventType eventType, ObjectType objectType,
DetectionGrid detectionGrid);
Long time detection events have start point, end point and can be updated between start and end. Use FaceterClientOnVideoEventStart, FaceterClientOnVideoEventEnd and FaceterClientOnVideoEventUpdate respectively. Pass event timestamp in seconds since 01.01.1970. Each video event has VideoEventType if can be recognized, otherwise use VideoEventMotion. If object can be detected it's type passed as second parameters, otherwise use ObjectUnknown.
Also detector may provide object's attributes, that can be passed linked list of DetectionAttribute. Parameter can be NULL if no information about object attributes provided. DetectionAttribute is key-value structure of string type. Use PushDetectionAttribute to add object attribute. Helper function PushHumanAttibutes creates DetectionAttribute list for human with gender and age fields. Helper function PushVehicleAttributes creates DetectionAttribute list for vehicle with type and license plate fields
For describing cells in grid where object was detected pass DetectionGrid object. It has number of columns, rows and array cells with uint32 numbers. Each bit in this number describe cell. If object detected in cell bit will be 1, otherwise 0.
Last two parameters - camera snapshot of detected event in jpeg format and snapshot bytes count. Can be NULL.
//get detected event snapshot
long int snapshotJpegBytesCount = 100;
char snapshotJpegImage[snapshotJpegBytesCount];
int64_t nowTime = (int64_t)time(NULL);
DetectionGrid grid = {
.rowsCount = 10,
.colsCount = 16,
.cellsCount = 5
grid.cells = malloc(grid.cellsCount * sizeof(int32_t));
grid.cells[2] = 1;
//simple motion event started
FaceterClientOnVideoEventStart(nowTime, VideoEventMotion, ObjectUnknown, NULL, grid, snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount);
//simple motion event updated periodically
FaceterClientOnVideoEventUpdate(nowTime1, VideoEventMotion, ObjectUnknown, grid1);
FaceterClientOnVideoEventUpdate(nowTime2, VideoEventMotion, ObjectUnknown, grid2);
//simple motion event ended
FaceterClientOnVideoEventEnd(nowTime3, VideoEventMotion, ObjectUnknown, grid3);
//human motion event
DetectionAttribute* humanAttrList = NULL;
PushHumanAttibutes(&humanAttrList, GenderMale, 30);
DetectionRect* humanRect = NULL;
PushDetectionRect(&humanRect, 10, 15, 25, 49);
FaceterClientOnVideoEventStart(nowTime, VideoEventMotion, ObjectHuman, humanAttrList, grid, snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount);
FaceterClientOnVideoEventUpdate(nowTime, VideoEventMotion, ObjectHuman, grid);
FaceterClientOnVideoEventEnd(nowTime, VideoEventMotion, ObjectHuman, grid);
One-time events can be passed to SDK with FaceterClientOnVideoEvent method
//animal motion event
DetectionAttribute* animalAttrList = NULL;
PushDetectionAttribute(&animalAttrList, "kind", "cat");
FaceterClientOnVideoEvent(VideoEventMotion, ObjectAnimal, animalAttrList, NULL, snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount);
//line crossing event
DetectionRect* crossRects = NULL;
PushDetectionRect(&crossRects, 1, 5, 25, 49);
PushDetectionRect(&crossRects, 30, 45, 5, 17);
FaceterClientOnVideoEvent(VideoEventLineCrossing, ObjectOther, NULL, crossRects, snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount);
//vehicle line crossing event
DetectionAttribute* vehicleAttrList = NULL;
PushVehicleAttributes(&vehicleAttrList, VehicleCar, "AB123");
FaceterClientOnVideoEvent(VideoEventLineCrossing, ObjectVehicle, vehicleAttrList, NULL, snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount);
//loitering event
FaceterClientOnVideoEvent(VideoEventLoitering, ObjectHuman, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
Audio events from sound detector can be also send to library using FaceterClientOnAudioEvent
with corresponding type.
If type cannot be recognized or not matches to AudioEventType use AudioEventNoise
typedef enum AudioEventType
} AudioEventType;
//baby cry audio event
Application must provide these service functions if they supported:
Jpeg snapshot - library sometime needs camera preivew jpeg image. ControlHandler with code ControlCodeGetSnapshot will be called. In response application should call
with snapshot jpeg bytes arraycase ControlCodeGetSnapshot: { //get camera snapshot char* snapshotJpegImage = ""; long int snapshotJpegBytesCount = 100; FaceterClientOnSnapshot(snapshotJpegImage, snapshotJpegBytesCount); break; }
Registration reset - if camera has RESET button it can be used to reset registration state to initial. When button RESET pressed longer than 3 seconds, apllication should call
and reboot camera./* * Handler of reset button pressed more than 3 seconds */ void OnResetButtonPressed() { //reset registration FaceterClientReset(); RebootSystem(); }
Also for resetting registration state library can call ControlFunction with ControlCodeResetState
case ControlCodeResetState: { //reset registration state to initial OnResetButtonPressed(); break; }
Serial number - unique serial number needed for camera identification. Application must provide serial number string that will be the same after camera restarted. If no serial number provided SDK will use MAC address for identification instead
LED indication - if camera has LED indicators they can be used to inform USER about current camera streaming state. Current state will be updated with ControlFunction code ControlCodeStreamStatus. If camera has two LED with different colors they should be used as follows
case ControlCodeStreamStatus: { StreamStatus streamStatus = *(StreamStatus*)param; if (streamStatus == StreamStatusStarted) { //turn on constant green led } else if (streamStatus == StreamStatusInit) { //green led slowly blinking } else { //red led (or green led) rapidly blinking } break; }
Where green LED is main indication color (could be any supported color) and red is additional color (if present)
OTA firmware update - after command from Faceter application SDK will call ControlFunction with code ControlCodeUpdateFirmware and URL to the file on server as param
case ControlCodeUpdateFirmware: { //upgrade firmware URL const char* firmwareUpdateUrl = (const char*)param; break; }
Faceter CloudCam SDK depends on external libraries
- pthread
- json-c
- libCurl (with RTSP protocol enabled)
- embedTLS