The project for GSG week-7. site have login page as first page to continue see another which allow user search and add schools in hebron .
as a user i should be able sign up as a user i should succefully login if i have an account as i user i should be able search and add schools after login
- index.html
- dom.js
- style.css
- server.js
- router.js
- handler.js
- database
- db_bulid.js
- db_build.sql
- db_connection.js
- queries
- getData.js
- postData.js
- clone the Repo .and be in folder.
- npm i command
- create local database with user and password and build it by command : node src/database/db_bulid.js
- create config.env file and add DB_URL link and SECRET key.
- run the server and open the browser with localhost:4000