The app is an a simple small notepad allowing creating and editing text notes, which they categorized as a group of categories.
- As a user i can write my notes, edit any notes and delete notes.
- As a user i can pinned notes which is important for me to be in top.
- Clone these repo:
git clone
cd noteApp
- Install node modules:
npm i cd client npm i cd ..
- Create database locally.
- Create config.env file in root and put these variables in it:
DATABASE_URL = postgress://{username}:{password}@localhost:5432/{databasename}
SECRET = {secret}
- build database table :
node ./server/database/db_bulid.js
- if you want initial values for database:
\c {databasename}
\i ./server/database/init_values.sql
- Run this to start the website: ...