This is the back-end of the Bon-Appetit App. It's a RESTful API built with NodeJS, that serves all the static data that the App needs.
This project is part of my personal portfolio, so, I'll be happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project, code, structure or anything that you can report that could make me a better developer!
Connect with me at LinkedIn
Also, you can use this Project as you wish, be for study, be for make improvements or earn money with it!
It's free!
To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment with NodeJS 8+ installed. To use the database, you'll need to have MongoDB installed and running on your machine at the default port (27017).
Cloning the Repository
$ cd bon-appetit-server
Installing dependencies
$ yarn
$ npm install
Now, you'll need to change to development branch:
$ git checkout development
With all dependencies installed, the Database running and the environment properly configured, you can now run the server:
$ yarn dev
$ npm run dev
After run the server, populate the Database.
The base URL is: http://localhost:3001/bon-appetit/api/v1
This is the route that you can use to check if the API is running properly.
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/ | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { message: "UHUL! The API is UP && RUNNING!" } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: <A Message with a description of the Error> } |
This routes are used to populate and to clear the Database with a single request. All the static data are stored at src/json-models, but it doesn't prevent you from create new data with custom values.
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/data/populate | POST |
- | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Database Filled and Ready to Use!" } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Populate the Database." } |
/data/clear | DELETE |
- | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Database Cleared!" } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Clear the Database." } |
Returns all the data needed to show the Gastronomic Events happening in the City, Dishes that User might like and Popular Dishes, and also returns a random user-location as a current user location.
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/home | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { userLocation : UserLocation inYourCityEvents: [Event],youMightLikeDishes : [Dish],popularDishes : [Dish]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: <A Message with a description of the Error> } |
This routes are used to make CRUD operations with Dishes.
- Create a single Dish
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish | POST |
Dish | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { id: <ID of the Dish Created> } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Dish." } |
- Create a set of Dishes in batch
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish/batch | POST |
[Dish] | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Dishes Created with Success!"} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Dishes." } |
- Read all Dishes recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { dishes: [Dish]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Read All Dishes." } |
- Read a single Dish recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish/:id | GET |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { dish: Dish,reviews: Review,restaurant : Restaurant} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Dish Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Read Dish." } |
- Update a Dish
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish/:id | PATCH |
Required:Object with the Fields that will be updated |
Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { dishUpdated: Dish} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Dish Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Update Dish." } |
- Delete a Dish
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/dish/:id | DELETE |
Required - |
Required: id: String |
Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Dish Deleted with Success!" } |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Dish Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Delete Dish." } |
This routes are used to make CRUD operations with Restaurants.
- Create a single Restaurant
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant | POST |
Restaurant | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { id: <ID of the Restaurant Created> } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Restaurant." } |
- Create a set of Restaurants in batch
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/batch | POST |
[Restaurant] | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Restaurants Created with Success!"} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Restaurants." } |
- Read all Restaurants recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { dishes: [Restaurant]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Read All Restaurants." } |
- Read a single Restaurant recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/:id | GET |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { review: Restaurant} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Restaurant Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Read Restaurant." } |
- Update a Restaurant
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/:id | PATCH |
Required:Object with the Fields that will be updated |
Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { restaurantUpdated: Restaurant} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Restaurant Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Update Restaurant." } |
- Delete an Restaurant
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/:id | DELETE |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Restaurant deleted with Success!" } |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Restaurant Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Delete Restaurant." } |
- Get the nearest Restaurants from User
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/nearby | GET |
Required: header: UserLocation |
Required: query: dishesTypes=Dish.type Example: /restaurant/nearby?dishesType=Pizza |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { restaurants : [Restaurant]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Read by Dishe Type." } |
- Filter Restaurants
Filter Restaurants based on the type of Dishes selected and the distance from the User to Restaurant .
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/restaurant/filter | GET |
Required: header: UserLocation |
Required: query: { dishesTypes= Dish.typemaxDistance= [Number]} Example: restaurant/filter?dishesTypes=Pizza& dishesTypes=Dessert& maxDistance=8.5 |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { restaurants : [Restaurant]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Filter Restaurants." } |
This routes are used to make CRUD operations with Events.
- Create a single Event
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event | POST |
Event | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { id: <ID of the Event Created> } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Event." } |
- Create a set of Events in batch
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event/batch | POST |
[Event] | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Events Created with Success!"} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Events." } |
- Read all Events recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { dishes: [Event]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Read All Events." } |
- Read a single Event recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event/:id | GET |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { restaurants: [Restaurant],event: Event} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Event Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Read Event." } |
- Update an Event
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event/:id | PATCH |
Required:Object with the Fields that will be updated |
Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { eventUpdated: Event} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Event Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Update Event." } |
- Delete an Event
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/event/:id | DELETE |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Event deleted with Success!" } |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Event Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Delete Event." } |
This routes are used to make CRUD operations with Reviews.
- Create a single Review
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review | POST |
Review | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { id: <ID of the Review Created> } |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Review." } |
- Create a set of Reviews in batch
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review/batch | POST |
[Review] | - | Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Reviews Created with Success!"} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Create Reviews." } |
- Read all Reviews recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review | GET |
- | - | Code: 200 - OK Content: { dishes: [Review]} |
Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { error: "Error when trying to Read All Reviews." } |
- Read a single Review recorded from Database
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review/:id | GET |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { review: Review} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Review Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Read Review." } |
- Update a Review
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review/:id | PATCH |
Required:Object with the Fields that will be updated |
Required: id: String |
Code: 200 - OK Content: { reviewUpdated: Review} |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Review Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Update Review." } |
- Delete a Review
URL | Method | Params | URL Params | Success Response | Error Response |
/review/:id | DELETE |
- | Required: id: String |
Code: 201 - CREATED Content: { message: "Review deleted with Success!" } |
Code: 400 - BAD REQUEST Content: { message: "The field id is required." } or Code: 404 - NOT FOUND Content: { message: "Review Not Found." } or Code: 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Content: { message: "Error when trying to Delete Review." } |
"imageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"thumbnailImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"mediumImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"title": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"description": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"type": {
"type": "String",
"enum": [
"required": true
"stars": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"reviews": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"price": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"ingredients": {
"type": "[String]",
"required": true
"imageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"thumbnailImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"mediumImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"name": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"description": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"stars": {
"type": "Number",
"required": true
"location": {
"coordinates": {
"type": "[Number]",
"default": [0, 0]
"address": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"operatingHours": {
"open": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"close": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"dishesTypes": [
"type": "String",
"enum": [
"required": true
"imageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"thumbnailImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"mediumImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"smallImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"title": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"description": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"dishesTypes": [
"type": "String",
"enum": [
"required": true
"restaurantsParticipating": {
"type": "Number",
"required": true
"profileImageURL": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"name": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"review": {
"type": "String",
"required": true
"stars": {
"type": "Number",
"required": false,
"default": 0
"latitude": "Number",
"longitude: "Number",
- NodeJS - Build the server
- Heroku - PaaS used in the production
- Body-Parser - Node.js body parsing middleware
- Express - Router of the Application
- MongoDB - Database
- Mongoose - Object Modeling
- PM2 - Process Manager used in the production
- Nodemon - Process Manager used in the development
- Debug - Debug in development
- Dotenv - Environment loader
- Image-Resize - Resize the Images
- Unsplash - Source of the Images
- Tabs and Tidbits - Dishes Recipes
- Recipe Tin Eats - Dishes Recipes
- Japan - Recipe Tin Eats - Japanese Dishes Recipes
- BBC Good Food - Dishes Recipes
- Trip Advisor - Restaurants Information
- LatLong - Convert Address to LatLong coordinates
- Amazon S3 - Storage Service
You can send how many PR's do you want, I'll be glad to analyse and accept them! And if you have any question about the project...
Connect with me at LinkedIn
Thank you!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details